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{{LLN 2017 Tabs|Closing=4|Scoreboards=9}}
{{LPL 2017 Tabs|Spring Season=3|PB=2}}{{TOCFlat}}{{PicksAndBans/Button}}{{#vardefine:PBN|1000}}
==Week 4==
{{MatchRecapS7/Header|Predators eSports |JTH}}{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 1 |patch= 7.14 |team1= Predators eSports |team2= JTH |team1score= 0 |team2score= 1 |winner= 2 |team1ban1= Elise |team1ban2= Lucian |team1ban3= Kassadin |team1ban4= Kalista |team1ban5= Jhin |team2ban1= Zac |team2ban2= Caitlyn |team2ban3= Maokai |team2ban4= Tristana |team2ban5= Twitch
{{PicksAndBans/SectionButton|name=Week 4}}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Snake |team2=WE |team1score=0 |team2score=1 |winner=2
|blueban1=malzahar |redban1=varus
|blueban2=rengar |redban2=jhin
|blueban3=leblanc |redban3=camille
|bluepick1=ashe |bluepick1role=ad
|redpick1=karma |redpick1role=support
|redpick2=graves |redpick2role=jungle
|bluepick2=elise |bluepick2role=jungle
|bluepick3=maokai |bluepick3role=top
|redpick3=ezreal |redpick3role=ad
|blueban4=gragas |redban4=thresh
|blueban5=ryze |redban5=orianna
|redpick4=nautilus |redpick4role=top
|bluepick4=lulu |bluepick4role=support
|bluepick5=talon |bluepick5role=mid
|redpick5=cassiopeia |redpick5role=mid
|date= 2017-07-31 |dst= yes |PST= 16:40 |gamelength= 40:33 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=WE |team2=Snake |team1score=2 |team2score=0 |winner=1
|blueban1=orianna |redban1=rengar
|blueban2=camille |redban2=leblanc
|blueban3=malzahar |redban3=varus
|bluepick1=graves |bluepick1role=jungle
|redpick1=ryze |redpick1role=mid
|redpick2=zyra |redpick2role=support
|bluepick2=maokai |bluepick2role=top
|bluepick3=jhin |bluepick3role=ad
|redpick3=khazix |redpick3role=jungle
|blueban4=fiora |redban4=miss fortune
|blueban5=kennen |redban5=cassiopeia
|redpick4=gragas |redpick4role=top
|bluepick4=karma |bluepick4role=support
|bluepick5=syndra |bluepick5role=mid
|redpick5=sivir |redpick5role=ad
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=iG |team2=Newbee |team1score=1 |team2score=0 |winner=1
|blueban1=ryze |redban1=leblanc
|blueban2=camille |redban2=rengar
|blueban3=khazix |redban3=varus
|bluepick1=jayce |bluepick1role=mid
|redpick1=malzahar |redpick1role=support
|redpick2=graves |redpick2role=jungle
|bluepick2=zyra |bluepick2role=support
|bluepick3=ashe |bluepick3role=ad
|redpick3=maokai |redpick3role=top
|blueban4=orianna |redban4=cassiopeia
|blueban5=jhin |redban5=elise
|redpick4=sivir |redpick4role=ad
|bluepick4=nautilus |bluepick4role=top
|bluepick5=nidalee |bluepick5role=jungle
|redpick5=syndra |redpick5role=mid
|team1g= 64.7 |team1k= 3 |team1d= 1 |team1b= 0 |team1t= 3 |team2g= 72.3 |team2k= 8 |team2d= 3 |team2b= 1 |team2t= 10 |team1rh= 1 |team2rh= 0 |team1i= 0 |team2i= 2
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Newbee |team2=iG |team1score=0 |team2score=2 |winner=2
|blueban1=leblanc |redban1=camille
|blueban2=zyra |redban2=ryze
|blueban3=jayce |redban3=varus
|bluepick1=rengar |bluepick1role=jungle
|redpick1=malzahar |redpick1role=support
|redpick2=khazix |redpick2role=jungle
|bluepick2=ashe |bluepick2role=ad
|bluepick3=shen |bluepick3role=top
|redpick3=jhin |redpick3role=ad
|blueban4=cassiopeia |redban4=miss fortune
|blueban5=syndra |redban5=lulu
|redpick4=gangplank |redpick4role=top
|bluepick4=tahm kench |bluepick4role=support
|bluepick5=orianna |bluepick5role=mid
|redpick5=corki |redpick5role=mid
|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Gnar |name= jer0m |kills= 2 |deaths= 2 |assists= 1 |gold= 15.1 |cs= 405 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item2= Blade of the Ruined King |item3= Mercury's Treads |item4= Executioner's Calling |item5= Frozen Mallet |item6= The Black Cleaver |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Sejuani |name= RafaL0L |kills= 0 |deaths= 2 |assists= 3 |gold= 12.3 |cs= 164 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Warmog's Armor |item2= Ninja Tabi |item3= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item4= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item5= Ruby Crystal |item6= Bramble Vest |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=LGD |team2=EDG |team1score=1 |team2score=0 |winner=1
|blueban1=leblanc |redban1=malzahar
|blueban2=jayce |redban2=varus
|blueban3=camille |redban3=rengar
|bluepick1=graves |bluepick1role=jungle
|redpick1=maokai |redpick1role=top
|redpick2=khazix |redpick2role=jungle
|bluepick2=rumble |bluepick2role=top
|bluepick3=jhin |bluepick3role=ad
|redpick3=ezreal |redpick3role=ad
|blueban5=ryze |redban5=orianna
|redpick4=karma |redpick4role=support
|bluepick4=thresh |bluepick4role=support
|bluepick5=corki |bluepick5role=mid
|redpick5=syndra |redpick5role=mid
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Vladimir |name= Icytower |kills= 1 |deaths= 2 |assists= 0 |gold= 14.0 |cs= 358 |summonerspell1= Ignite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Ionian Boots of Lucidity |item2= Rabadon's Deathcap |item3= Hextech Protobelt-01 |item4= Liandry's Torment |item5= The Dark Seal |item6= Void Staff |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Stormraider's Surge }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=EDG |team2=LGD |team1score=1 |team2score=1 |winner=1
|blueban1=rumble |redban1=leblanc
|blueban2=graves |redban2=varus
|blueban3=rengar |redban3=jayce
|bluepick1=camille |bluepick1role=top
|redpick1=malzahar |redpick1role=support
|redpick2=jhin |redpick2role=ad
|bluepick2=khazix |bluepick2role=jungle
|bluepick3=lulu |bluepick3role=support
|redpick3=gragas |redpick3role=top
|blueban4=elise |redban4=ryze
|blueban5=corki |redban5=cassiopeia
|redpick4=lee sin |redpick4role=jungle
|bluepick4=ashe |bluepick4role=ad
|bluepick5=syndra |bluepick5role=mid
|redpick5=ekko |redpick5role=mid
|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Draven |name= Manu |kills= 0 |deaths= 0 |assists= 2 |gold= 14.2 |cs= 371 |summonerspell1= Heal |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Infinity Edge |item2= Lord Dominik's Regards |item3= Boots of Speed |item4= Doran's Blade |item5= Statikk Shiv |item6= Death's Dance |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=LGD |team2=EDG |team1score=1 |team2score=2 |winner=2
|blueban1=leblanc |redban1=graves
|blueban2=jayce |redban2=varus
|blueban3=camille |redban3=rengar
|bluepick1=rumble |bluepick1role=top
|redpick1=maokai |redpick1role=top
|redpick2=khazix |redpick2role=jungle
|bluepick2=karma |bluepick2role=support
|bluepick3=caitlyn |bluepick3role=ad
|redpick3=nami |redpick3role=support
|blueban4=ryze |redban4=elise
|blueban5=syndra |redban5=reksai
|redpick4=ashe |redpick4role=ad
|bluepick4=orianna |bluepick4role=mid
|bluepick5=lee sin |bluepick5role=jungle
|redpick5=zed |redpick5role=mid
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=RNG |team2=GMT |team1score=0 |team2score=1 |winner=2
|blueban1=ryze |redban1=syndra
|blueban2=camille |redban2=leblanc
|blueban3=jayce |redban3=graves
|bluepick1=varus |bluepick1role=ad
|redpick1=rengar |redpick1role=jungle
|redpick2=malzahar |redpick2role=support
|bluepick2=khazix |bluepick2role=jungle
|bluepick3=shen |bluepick3role=top
|redpick3=jhin |redpick3role=ad
|blueban4=rumble|redban4=miss fortune
|redpick4=corki |redpick4role=mid
|bluepick4=orianna |bluepick4role=mid
|bluepick5=zyra |bluepick5role=support
|redpick5=maokai |redpick5role=top
|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Thresh |name= Choisix |kills= 0 |deaths= 2 |assists= 2 |gold= 9.2 |cs= 65 |summonerspell1= Ignite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Boots of Mobility |item2= |item3= Locket of the Iron Solari |item4= |item5= Eye of the Equinox |item6= Kindlegem |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=GMT |team2=RNG |team1score=1 |team2score=1 |winner=2
|blueban1=syndra |redban1=camille
|blueban2=graves |redban2=malzahar
|blueban3=jayce |redban3=leblanc
|bluepick1=rengar |bluepick1role=jungle
|redpick1=ryze |redpick1role=mid
|redpick2=varus |redpick2role=ad
|bluepick2=jhin |bluepick2role=ad
|bluepick3=orianna |bluepick3role=mid
|redpick3=khazix |redpick3role=jungle
|blueban4=maokai |redban4=tahm kench
|blueban5=thresh |redban5=shen
|redpick4=gragas |redpick4role=top
|bluepick4=rumble |bluepick4role=top
|bluepick5=braum |bluepick5role=support
|redpick5=karma |redpick5role=support
|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Cho'Gath |name= Porky |link= Porky (Gerardo Cuamea) |kills= 3 |deaths= 1 |assists= 2 |gold= 13.7 |cs= 257 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Righteous Glory |item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item3= |item4= Spirit Visage |item5= Ninja Tabi |item6= Thornmail |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=RNG |team2=GMT |team1score=2 |team2score=1 |winner=1
|blueban1=jayce |redban1=syndra
|blueban2=malzahar |redban2=leblanc
|blueban3=camille |redban3=graves
|bluepick1=ryze |bluepick1role=mid
|redpick1=varus |redpick1role=ad
|redpick2=rengar |redpick2role=jungle
|bluepick2=khazix |bluepick2role=jungle
|bluepick3=maokai |bluepick3role=top
|redpick3=cassiopeia |redpick3role=mid
|blueban4=kled |redban4=caitlyn
|blueban5=tahm kench |redban5=jhin
|redpick4=shen |redpick4role=top
|bluepick4=ezreal |bluepick4role=ad
|bluepick5=karma |bluepick5role=support
|redpick5=miss fortune |redpick5role=support
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=VG |team2=IMAY |team1score=0 |team2score=1 |winner=2
|blueban1=malzahar |redban1=rumble
|blueban2=maokai |redban2=jayce
|blueban3=leblanc |redban3=shen
|bluepick1=camille |bluepick1role=top
|redpick1=varus |redpick1role=ad
|redpick2=rengar |redpick2role=jungle
|bluepick2=graves |bluepick2role=jungle
|bluepick3=lulu |bluepick3role=support
|redpick3=orianna |redpick3role=mid
|blueban4=nautilus |redban4=syndra
|blueban5=darius |redban5=sivir
|redpick4=renekton |redpick4role=top
|bluepick4=caitlyn |bluepick4role=ad
|bluepick5=ryze |bluepick5role=mid
|redpick5=tahm kench |redpick5role=support
|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Gragas |name= t4nky |kills= 0 |deaths= 1 |assists= 8 |gold= 13.5 |cs= 193 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Ninja Tabi |item2= Locket of the Iron Solari |item3= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item4= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item5= |item6= Knight's Vow |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=IMAY |team2=VG |team1score=2 |team2score=0 |winner=1
|blueban1=rumble |redban1=camille
|blueban2=jayce |redban2=rengar
|blueban3=shen |redban3=graves
|bluepick1=varus |bluepick1role=ad
|redpick1=maokai |redpick1role=top
|redpick2=malzahar |redpick2role=support
|bluepick2=khazix |bluepick2role=jungle
|bluepick3=nautilus |bluepick3role=top
|redpick3=sivir |redpick3role=ad
|blueban4=syndra |redban4=orianna
|blueban5=olaf |redban5=tahm kench
|redpick4=ivern |redpick4role=jungle
|bluepick4=ryze |bluepick4role=mid
|bluepick5=miss fortune |bluepick5role=support
|redpick5=cassiopeia |redpick5role=mid
|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Orianna |name= Hobbler |kills= 3 |deaths= 0 |assists= 3 |gold= 16.6 |cs= 369 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Cleanse |item1= Banshee's Veil |item2= Rabadon's Deathcap |item3= |item4= Morellonomicon |item5= Sorcerer's Shoes |item6= Liandry's Torment |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=WE |team2=iG |team1score=1 |team2score=0 |winner=1
|blueban1=jayce |redban1=camille
|blueban2=leblanc |redban2=varus
|blueban3=rengar |redban3=khazix
|bluepick1=malzahar |bluepick1role=support
|redpick1=zyra |redpick1role=support
|redpick2=maokai |redpick2role=top
|bluepick2=graves |bluepick2role=jungle
|bluepick3=jhin |bluepick3role=ad
|redpick3=ashe |redpick3role=ad
|blueban4=elise |redban4=ryze
|blueban5=nidalee |redban5=orianna
|redpick4=lee sin |redpick4role=jungle
|bluepick4=nautilus |bluepick4role=top
|bluepick5=syndra |bluepick5role=mid
|redpick5=katarina |redpick5role=mid
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Sivir |name= EvanRL |kills= 2 |deaths= 0 |assists= 5 |gold= 17.9 |cs= 400 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Infinity Edge |item2= Essence Reaver |item3= Rapid Firecannon |item4= Lord Dominik's Regards |item5= Null-Magic Mantle |item6= Berserker's Greaves |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=iG |team2=WE |team1score=0 |team2score=2 |winner=2
|blueban1=malzahar |redban1=jayce
|blueban2=graves |redban2=leblanc
|blueban3=camille |redban3=khazix
|bluepick1=rengar |bluepick1role=jungle
|redpick1=varus |redpick1role=ad
|redpick2=maokai |redpick2role=top
|bluepick2=jhin |bluepick2role=ad
|bluepick3=karma |bluepick3role=support
|redpick3=lulu |redpick3role=support
|blueban4=ryze |redban4=shen
|blueban5=orianna |redban5=nautilus
|redpick4=gragas |redpick4role=jungle
|bluepick4=syndra |bluepick4role=mid
|bluepick5=gangplank |bluepick5role=top
|redpick5=zed |redpick5role=mid
|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Braum |name= DCStar |kills= 0 |deaths= 1 |assists= 7 |gold= 10.6 |cs= 46 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Exhaust |item1= Eye of the Equinox |item2= Knight's Vow |item3= Mercury's Treads |item4= Ruby Crystal |item5= Control Ward |item6= Locket of the Iron Solari |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Stoneborn Pact }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=QGR |team2=OMG |team1score=1 |team2score=0 |winner=1
|blueban1=zyra |redban1=karma
|blueban2=malzahar |redban2=camille
|blueban3=maokai |redban3=rengar
|bluepick1=shen |bluepick1role=top
|redpick1=lee sin |redpick1role=jungle
|redpick2=ryze |redpick2role=mid
|bluepick2=varus |bluepick2role=ad
|bluepick3=graves |bluepick3role=jungle
|redpick3=jhin |redpick3role=ad
|blueban4=thresh |redban4=leblanc
|blueban5=nautilus |redban5=tahm kench
|redpick4=lulu |redpick4role=support
|bluepick4=nami |bluepick4role=support
|bluepick5=orianna |bluepick5role=mid
|redpick5=rumble |redpick5role=top
|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/290477?gameHash=316565c18a36d548&tab=overview }}{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 2 |patch= 7.14 |team1= JTH |team2= Predators eSports |team1score= 1 |team2score= 1 |winner= 2 |team1ban1= Vladimir |team1ban2= Kalista |team1ban3= Thresh |team1ban4= Kassadin |team1ban5= Cassiopeia |team2ban1= Zac |team2ban2= Maokai |team2ban3= Caitlyn |team2ban4= Morgana |team2ban5= Braum
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=OMG |team2=QGR |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1=karma |redban1=malzahar
|blueban2=camille |redban2=zyra
|blueban3=varus |redban3=rengar
|bluepick1=maokai |bluepick1role=top
|redpick1=shen |redpick1role=top
|redpick2=lee sin |redpick2role=jungle
|bluepick2=graves |bluepick2role=jungle
|bluepick3=caitlyn |bluepick3role=ad
|redpick3=jhin |redpick3role=ad
|blueban4=tahm kench |redban4=thresh
|blueban5=ryze |redban5=lulu
|redpick4=braum |redpick4role=support
|bluepick4=leblanc |bluepick4role=mid
|bluepick5=nami |bluepick5role=support
|redpick5=vladimir |redpick5role=mid
|date= 2017-07-31 |dst= yes |PST= 17:52 |gamelength= 39:13 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=GMT |team2=LGD |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|team1g= 64.5 |team1k= 12 |team1d= 1 |team1b= 0 |team1t= 5 |team2g= 72.1 |team2k= 13 |team2d= 4 |team2b= 2 |team2t= 11 |team1rh= 1 |team2rh= 0 |team1i= 1 |team2i= 4
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=LGD |team2=GMT |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Dr. Mundo |name= Porky |link= Porky (Gerardo Cuamea) |kills= 1 |deaths= 3 |assists= 6 |gold= 12.4 |cs= 254 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Knight's Vow |item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item3= Mercury's Treads |item4= |item5= Spirit Visage |item6= Warmog's Armor |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Stoneborn Pact }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=GMT |team2=LGD |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=EDG |team2=RNG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Elise |name= t4nky |kills= 2 |deaths= 3 |assists= 7 |gold= 12.2 |cs= 163 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Haunting Guise |item2= Boots of Mobility |item3= Adaptive Helm |item4= Tracker's Knife - Runic Echoes |item5= Blasting Wand |item6= Knight's Vow |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=RNG |team2=EDG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Lucian |name= Hobbler |kills= 7 |deaths= 0 |assists= 1 |gold= 16.5 |cs= 357 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Exhaust |item1= The Black Cleaver |item2= Blade of the Ruined King |item3= Infinity Edge |item4= Long Sword |item5= Phantom Dancer |item6= Mercury's Treads |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=EDG |team2=RNG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Kog'Maw |name= EvanRL |kills= 1 |deaths= 3 |assists= 7 |gold= 13.6 |cs= 304 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Blade of the Ruined King |item2= Guinsoo's Rageblade |item3= Wit's End |item4= Last Whisper |item5= Control Ward |item6= Berserker's Greaves |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Stormraider's Surge }}
==Week 5==
{{PicksAndBans/SectionButton|name=Week 5}}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=VG |team2=OMG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Trundle |name= DCStar |kills= 1 |deaths= 4 |assists= 7 |gold= 9.8 |cs= 64 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Exhaust |item1= Ruby Sightstone |item2= Face of the Mountain |item3= Ionian Boots of Lucidity |item4= Crystalline Bracer |item5= Control Ward |item6= Locket of the Iron Solari |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Stoneborn Pact }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=OMG |team2=VG|team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Cho'Gath |name= jer0m |kills= 0 |deaths= 6 |assists= 3 |gold= 13.1 |cs= 245 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item2= Giant's Belt |item3= Thornmail |item4= Ninja Tabi |item5= Glacial Shroud |item6= Spirit Visage |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=VG |team2=OMG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Newbee |team2=Snake |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Gragas |name= RafaL0L |kills= 0 |deaths= 1 |assists= 9 |gold= 11.9 |cs= 116 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Randuin's Omen |item2= Ninja Tabi |item3= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item4= Bramble Vest |item5= Adaptive Helm |item6= |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Snake |team2=Newbee |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Syndra |name= Icytower |kills= 4 |deaths= 2 |assists= 8 |gold= 16.6 |cs= 313 |summonerspell1= Cleanse |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Liandry's Torment |item2= Needlessly Large Rod |item3= Morellonomicon |item4= Sorcerer's Shoes |item5= Void Staff |item6= Blasting Wand |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Newbee |team2=Snake |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=IMAY |team2=QGR |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Tristana |name= Manu |kills= 8 |deaths= 1 |assists= 5 |gold= 19.1 |cs= 374 |summonerspell1= Heal |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Rapid Firecannon |item2= Blade of the Ruined King |item3= Mortal Reminder |item4= Statikk Shiv |item5= Berserker's Greaves |item6= Infinity Edge |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=QGR |team2=IMAY |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Blitzcrank |name= Choisix |kills= 1 |deaths= 2 |assists= 8 |gold= 11.4 |cs= 43 |summonerspell1= Ignite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Boots of Mobility |item2= Knight's Vow |item3= Locket of the Iron Solari |item4= |item5= Eye of the Equinox |item6= Crystalline Bracer |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=IMAY |team2=QGR |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=EDG |team2=iG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/290483?gameHash=b873e1858deec9ea }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=iG |team2=EDG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=EDG |team2=iG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
{{MatchRecapS7/Header|Dash9 |Silver Crows}}{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 1 |patch= 7.14 |team1= Dash9 |team2= Silver Crows |team1score= 1 |team2score= 0 |winner= 1 |team1ban1= Thresh |team1ban2= Maokai |team1ban3= Shen |team1ban4= Renekton |team1ban5= Rumble |team2ban1= Zac |team2ban2= Syndra |team2ban3= Cho'Gath |team2ban4= Cassiopeia |team2ban5= LeBlanc
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=RNG |team2=Newbee |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|date= 2017-07-31 |dst= yes |PST= 18:51 |gamelength= 29:44 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Newbee |team2=RNG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|team1g= 59.2 |team1k= 16 |team1d= 3 |team1b= 1 |team1t= 10 |team2g= 44.2 |team2k= 5 |team2d= 0 |team2b= 0 |team2t= 2 |team1rh= 0 |team2rh= 1 |team1i= 2 |team2i= 0
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=RNG |team2=Newbee |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=OMG |team2=GMT |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|blueban4= |redban4=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Camille |name= Akunma |kills= 2 |deaths= 3 |assists= 5 |gold= 12.0 |cs= 240 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Ravenous Hydra |item2= Caulfield's Warhammer |item3= Serrated Dirk |item4= Trinity Force |item5= Ninja Tabi |item6= Doran's Shield |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=GMT |team2=OMG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Sejuani |name= Julaxe |kills= 4 |deaths= 1 |assists= 8 |gold= 11.5 |cs= 125 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Knight's Vow |item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item3= Control Ward |item4= Ninja Tabi |item5= Ruby Crystal |item6= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=OMG |team2=GMT |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Snake |team2=VG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Taliyah |name= Nobody |kills= 6 |deaths= 0 |assists= 8 |gold= 14.4 |cs= 300 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Cleanse |item1= Sorcerer's Shoes |item2= Morellonomicon |item3= Rylai's Crystal Scepter |item4= Void Staff |item5= Haunting Guise |item6= Doran's Ring |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Stormraider's Surge }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=VG |team2=Snake |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Caitlyn |name= Zeypher |kills= 4 |deaths= 0 |assists= 6 |gold= 13.2 |cs= 260 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= |item2= Statikk Shiv |item3= Doran's Blade |item4= Berserker's Greaves |item5= Infinity Edge |item6= Rapid Firecannon |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Snake |team2=VG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=QGR |team2=LGD |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Morgana |name= NeedLess |kills= 0 |deaths= 1 |assists= 6 |gold= 8.1 |cs= 12 |summonerspell1= Exhaust |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= |item2= Redemption |item3= |item4= Ionian Boots of Lucidity |item5= Fiendish Codex |item6= Eye of the Oasis |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=LGD |team2=QGR |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|blueban4= |redban4=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Kled |name= xSWRD |kills= 2 |deaths= 5 |assists= 2 |gold= 9.7 |cs= 215 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Titanic Hydra |item2= The Black Cleaver |item3= Ninja Tabi |item4= Bramble Vest |item5= Doran's Shield |item6= |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=QGR |team2=LGD |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=IMAY |team2=WE |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
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|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Elise |name= FraGio |kills= 0 |deaths= 2 |assists= 1 |gold= 7.3 |cs= 78 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Boots of Mobility |item2= Blasting Wand |item3= Tracker's Knife - Runic Echoes |item4= Control Ward |item5= Haunting Guise |item6= |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=WE |team2=IMAY |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Jayce |name= Seranok |kills= 2 |deaths= 3 |assists= 2 |gold= 10.6 |cs= 247 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Cleanse |item1= Youmuu's Ghostblade |item2= Phage |item3= Ruby Crystal |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Duskblade of Draktharr |item6= Long Sword |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Stormraider's Surge }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=IMAY |team2=WE |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Varus |name= Germoo |kills= 1 |deaths= 3 |assists= 3 |gold= 9.8 |cs= 238 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Ninja Tabi |item2= Blade of the Ruined King |item3= Refillable Potion |item4= BF Sword |item5= Phantom Dancer |item6= Doran's Blade |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
==Week 6==
{{PicksAndBans/SectionButton|name=Week 6}}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=OMG |team2=EDG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Braum |name= DevilPancake |kills= 0 |deaths= 3 |assists= 3 |gold= 6.9 |cs= 52 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Exhaust |item1= Control Ward |item2= Refillable Potion |item3= Eye of the Equinox |item4= Aegis of the Legion |item5= Mercury's Treads |item6= Null-Magic Mantle |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Stoneborn Pact }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=EDG |team2=OMG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/290486?gameHash=c972804ab8e66f2c&tab=overview }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=OMG |team2=EDG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 2 |patch= 7.14 |team1= Silver Crows |team2= Dash9 |team1score= 0 |team2score= 2 |winner= 2 |team1ban1= Syndra |team1ban2= Cho'Gath |team1ban3= Thresh |team1ban4= Alistar |team1ban5= Cassiopeia |team2ban1= Zac |team2ban2= Maokai |team2ban3= Caitlyn |team2ban4= Shen |team2ban5= Renekton
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=WE |team2=LGD |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|date= 2017-07-31 |dst= yes |PST= 19:56 |gamelength= 43:09 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=LGD |team2=WE |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|team1g= 76.3 |team1k= 16 |team1d= 0 |team1b= 1 |team1t= 5 |team2g= 82.3 |team2k= 13 |team2d= 5 |team2b= 2 |team2t= 11 |team1rh= 1 |team2rh= 0 |team1i= 0 |team2i= 6
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=WE |team2=LGD |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Newbee |team2=IMAY |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Gragas |name= xSWRD |kills= 3 |deaths= 1 |assists= 5 |gold= 14.8 |cs= 300 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item2= Spirit Visage |item3= Thornmail |item4= Iceborn Gauntlet |item5= Ninja Tabi |item6= Kindlegem |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=IMAY |team2=Newbee |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Elise |name= FraGio |kills= 1 |deaths= 4 |assists= 8 |gold= 13.6 |cs= 169 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Boots of Mobility |item2= Zhonya's Hourglass |item3= Tracker's Knife - Runic Echoes |item4= Negatron Cloak |item5= Liandry's Torment |item6= Catalyst the Protector |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Newbee |team2=IMAY |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=iG |team2=QGR |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= LeBlanc |name= Seranok |kills= 4 |deaths= 3 |assists= 4 |gold= 16.7 |cs= 377 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Hextech Gunblade |item2= Void Staff |item3= Morellonomicon |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Banshee's Veil |item6= Blasting Wand |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=QGR |team2=iG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Kog'Maw |name= Germoo |kills= 8 |deaths= 3 |assists= 3 |gold= 18.6 |cs= 400 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Berserker's Greaves |item2= Blade of the Ruined King |item3= Mortal Reminder |item4= Maw of Malmortius |item5= Runaan's Hurricane |item6= Wit's End |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=iG |team2=QGR |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=VG |team2=LGD |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Braum |name= DevilPancake |kills= 0 |deaths= 2 |assists= 11 |gold= 12.5 |cs= 92 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Ignite |item1= Locket of the Iron Solari |item2= Redemption |item3= Eye of the Equinox |item4= Control Ward |item5= Knight's Vow |item6= Ninja Tabi |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Stoneborn Pact }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=LGD |team2=VG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Camille |name= Akunma |kills= 4 |deaths= 1 |assists= 2 |gold= 17.9 |cs= 342 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Ravenous Hydra |item2= Guardian Angel |item3= Warden's Mail |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Trinity Force |item6= Spirit Visage |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=VG |team2=LGD |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=RNG |team2=WE |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Sejuani |name= Julaxe |kills= 0 |deaths= 5 |assists= 8 |gold= 13.4 |cs= 147 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Giant's Belt |item2= Warmog's Armor |item3= Adaptive Helm |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Warden's Mail |item6= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=WE |team2=RNG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Kassadin |name= Nobody |kills= 4 |deaths= 4 |assists= 7 |gold= 19.2 |cs= 400 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Ionian Boots of Lucidity |item2= Zhonya's Hourglass |item3= Rod of Ages |item4= Lich Bane |item5= Void Staff |item6= Haunting Guise |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Deathfire Touch }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=RNG |team2=WE |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Snake |team2=EDG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Kalista |name= Zeypher |kills= 4 |deaths= 2 |assists= 4 |gold= 19.8 |cs= 438 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Blade of the Ruined King |item2= Mercurial Scimitar |item3= Maw of Malmortius |item4= The Bloodthirster |item5= Runaan's Hurricane |item6= Berserker's Greaves |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=EDG |team2=Snake |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Trundle |name= NeedLess |kills= 1 |deaths= 4 |assists= 7 |gold= 12.0 |cs= 62 |summonerspell1= Exhaust |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Control Ward |item2= Locket of the Iron Solari |item3= Negatron Cloak |item4= Frozen Heart |item5= Boots of Mobility |item6= Eye of the Equinox |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Snake |team2=EDG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=GMT |team2=IMAY |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/290491?gameHash=01360c9cdc07e173&tab=overview }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=IMAY |team2=GMT |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
{{MatchRecapS7/Header|Infinity eSports CR |JTH}}{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 1 |patch= 7.14 |team1= Infinity eSports CR |team2= JTH |team1score= 1 |team2score= 0 |winner= 1 |team1ban1= Elise |team1ban2= Kalista |team1ban3= Shen |team1ban4= Cassiopeia |team1ban5= Orianna |team2ban1= Zac |team2ban2= Caitlyn |team2ban3= Maokai |team2ban4= Tristana |team2ban5= Sejuani
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|date= 2017-08-01 |dst= yes |PST= 16:26 |gamelength= 42:12 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=GMT |team2=IMAY |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Newbee |team2=OMG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|team1g= 78.9 |team1k= 23 |team1d= 5 |team1b= 1 |team1t= 10 |team2g= 69.6 |team2k= 13 |team2d= 0 |team2b= 1 |team2t= 3 |team1rh= 1 |team2rh= 0 |team1i= 3 |team2i= 0
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=OMG |team2=Newbee |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Rumble |name= Relic |kills= 2 |deaths= 2 |assists= 7 |gold= 15.2 |cs= 300 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Control Ward |item2= Liandry's Torment |item3= Void Staff |item4= Needlessly Large Rod |item5= Banshee's Veil |item6= Sorcerer's Shoes |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Deathfire Touch }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Newbee |team2=OMG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Jarvan IV |name= Leozuxo |kills= 1 |deaths= 3 |assists= 20 |gold= 15.2 |cs= 177 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Smite |item1= Thornmail |item2= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item3= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item4= |item5= Warmog's Armor |item6= Mercury's Treads |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
==Week 7==
{{PicksAndBans/SectionButton|name=Week 7}}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=VG |team2=iG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Lucian |name= Cotopaco |kills= 9 |deaths= 3 |assists= 7 |gold= 18.2 |cs= 334 |summonerspell1= Exhaust |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Phantom Dancer |item2= The Black Cleaver |item3= Blade of the Ruined King |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Maw of Malmortius |item6= BF Sword |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=iG |team2=VG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
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|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Jhin |name= Diesel |kills= 10 |deaths= 4 |assists= 8 |gold= 18.6 |cs= 309 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Lord Dominik's Regards |item2= Mercurial Scimitar |item3= Duskblade of Draktharr |item4= Boots of Swiftness |item5= Infinity Edge |item6= Rapid Firecannon |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=VG |team2=iG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Snake |team2=GMT |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Thresh |name= Baula |kills= 1 |deaths= 1 |assists= 18 |gold= 11.7 |cs= 54 |summonerspell1= Ignite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Knight's Vow |item2= Eye of the Equinox |item3= |item4= Locket of the Iron Solari |item5= Boots of Mobility |item6= |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=GMT |team2=Snake |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Cho'Gath |name= Porky |link= Porky (Gerardo Cuamea) |kills= 2 |deaths= 6 |assists= 4 |gold= 13.1 |cs= 257 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Righteous Glory |item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item3= Control Ward |item4= Frozen Heart |item5= Adaptive Helm |item6= Ninja Tabi |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Snake |team2=GMT |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=RNG |team2=QGR |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Gragas |name= t4nky |kills= 1 |deaths= 5 |assists= 5 |gold= 12.9 |cs= 215 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Righteous Glory |item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item3= Locket of the Iron Solari |item4= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item5= Control Ward |item6= Ninja Tabi |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=QGR |team2=RNG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Syndra |name= Hobbler |kills= 2 |deaths= 2 |assists= 6 |gold= 15.9 |cs= 376 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Void Staff |item2= Control Ward |item3= Sorcerer's Shoes |item4= Rabadon's Deathcap |item5= Liandry's Torment |item6= Morellonomicon |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=RNG |team2=QGR |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=EDG |team2=IMAY |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Twitch |name= EvanRL |kills= 8 |deaths= 5 |assists= 4 |gold= 16.7 |cs= 320 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Infinity Edge |item2= Duskblade of Draktharr |item3= Runaan's Hurricane |item4= Statikk Shiv |item5= Lord Dominik's Regards |item6= Ninja Tabi |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=IMAY |team2=EDG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Braum |name= DCStar |kills= 0 |deaths= 5 |assists= 12 |gold= 11.0 |cs= 54 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Exhaust |item1= Face of the Mountain |item2= Ruby Sightstone |item3= Mercury's Treads |item4= Aegis of the Legion |item5= Ruby Crystal |item6= Locket of the Iron Solari |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Stoneborn Pact }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=EDG |team2=IMAY |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=OMG |team2=WE |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
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|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/280479?gameHash=c418b05513ae3d91&tab=overview }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=WE |team2=OMG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 2 |patch= 7.14 |team1= JTH |team2= Infinity eSports CR |team1score= 0 |team2score= 2 |winner= 2 |team1ban1= Thresh |team1ban2= Elise |team1ban3= Kalista |team1ban4= Gnar |team1ban5= Trundle |team2ban1= Zac |team2ban2= Maokai |team2ban3= Caitlyn |team2ban4= Syndra |team2ban5= Lucian
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|date= 2017-08-01 |dst= yes |PST= 17:51 |gamelength= 34:45 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=OMG |team2=WE |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Newbee |team2=LGD|team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|team1g= 55.6 |team1k= 6 |team1d= 1 |team1b= 0 |team1t= 4 |team2g= 66.8 |team2k= 16 |team2d= 3 |team2b= 1 |team2t= 9 |team1rh= 1 |team2rh= 0 |team1i= 0 |team2i= 1
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=LGD |team2=Newbee |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Cho'Gath |name= Porky |link= Porky (Gerardo Cuamea) |kills= 2 |deaths= 2 |assists= 2 |gold= 10.2 |cs= 201 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Righteous Glory |item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item3= Control Ward |item4= Adaptive Helm |item5= Doran's Shield |item6= Ninja Tabi |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Newbee |team2=LGD |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=GMT |team2=iG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Jarvan IV |name= t4nky |kills= 0 |deaths= 2 |assists= 4 |gold= 10.2 |cs= 169 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Warmog's Armor |item2= Locket of the Iron Solari |item3= Mercury's Treads |item4= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item5= Chain Vest |item6= Control Ward |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=iG |team2=GMT |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Corki |name= Hobbler |kills= 3 |deaths= 5 |assists= 2 |gold= 13.6 |cs= 308 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Infinity Edge |item2= Control Ward |item3= Trinity Force |item4= Rapid Firecannon |item5= Sorcerer's Shoes |item6= Kircheis Shard |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=GMT |team2=iG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
|redpick1= |redpick1role=
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|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
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|redpick3= |redpick3role=
|blueban4= |redban4=
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|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=Snake |team2=QGR |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Sivir |name= EvanRL |kills= 0 |deaths= 3 |assists= 4 |gold= 13.3 |cs= 324 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Infinity Edge |item2= Essence Reaver |item3= Rapid Firecannon |item4= Control Ward |item5= Last Whisper |item6= Berserker's Greaves |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=QGR |team2=Snake |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Braum |name= DCStar |kills= 1 |deaths= 4 |assists= 2 |gold= 8.3 |cs= 47 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Exhaust |item1= Control Ward |item2= Ruby Sightstone |item3= Mercury's Treads |item4= Targon's Brace |item5= Kindlegem |item6= Locket of the Iron Solari |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Stoneborn Pact }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1Snake |team2=QGR |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=VG |team2=RNG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Renekton |name= Relic |kills= 2 |deaths= 0 |assists= 5 |gold= 14.3 |cs= 336 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Titanic Hydra |item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item3= Control Ward |item4= Locket of the Iron Solari |item5= The Black Cleaver |item6= Ninja Tabi |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=RNG |team2=VG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|blueban2= |redban2=
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|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Gragas |name= Leozuxo |kills= 3 |deaths= 1 |assists= 8 |gold= 11.7 |cs= 132 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Smite |item1= Knight's Vow |item2= Righteous Glory |item3= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item4= Kindlegem |item5= Ninja Tabi |item6= Giant's Belt |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
{{PicksAndBansS7|team1=VG |team2=RNG |team1score= |team2score= |winner=
|blueban1= |redban1=
|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Taliyah |name= Cotopaco |kills= 3 |deaths= 2 |assists= 9 |gold= 14.0 |cs= 292 |summonerspell1= Ghost |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Doran's Ring |item2= Banshee's Veil |item3= Liandry's Torment |item4= Sorcerer's Shoes |item5= Morellonomicon |item6= Needlessly Large Rod |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Stormraider's Surge }}
|blueban2= |redban2=
|blueban3= |redban3=
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Tristana |name= Diesel |kills= 7 |deaths= 1 |assists= 3 |gold= 16.6 |cs= 327 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Lord Dominik's Regards |item2= Infinity Edge |item3= Rapid Firecannon |item4= Berserker's Greaves |item5= Statikk Shiv |item6= Vampiric Scepter |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
|bluepick1= |bluepick1role=
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|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Zyra |name= Baula |kills= 1 |deaths= 2 |assists= 5 |gold= 10.1 |cs= 36 |summonerspell1= Ignite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Liandry's Torment |item2= Eye of the Watchers |item3= |item4= Amplifying Tome |item5= Boots of Mobility |item6= Ruby Crystal |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
|redpick2= |redpick2role=
|bluepick2= |bluepick2role=
|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/280490?gameHash=1396c817b05e9b38 }}
|bluepick3= |bluepick3role=
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{{MatchRecapS7/Header|ZTG |Dash9}}{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 1 |patch= 7.14 |team1= ZTG |team2= Dash9 |team1score= 0 |team2score= 1 |winner= 2 |team1ban1= Syndra |team1ban2= Camille |team1ban3= Kalista |team1ban4= Shen |team1ban5= Xayah |team2ban1= Zac |team2ban2= Maokai |team2ban3= Caitlyn |team2ban4= Kassadin |team2ban5= Corki
|blueban4= |redban4=
|blueban5= |redban5=
|date= 2017-08-02 |dst= yes |PST= 16:37 |gamelength= 35:33 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
|redpick4= |redpick4role=
|bluepick4= |bluepick4role=
|team1g= 56.3 |team1k= 9 |team1d= 0 |team1b= 0 |team1t= 0 |team2g= 69.7 |team2k= 17 |team2d= 4 |team2b= 2 |team2t= 11 |team1rh= 0 |team2rh= 1 |team1i= 0 |team2i= 4
|bluepick5= |bluepick5role=
|redpick5= |redpick5role=
|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Gnar |name= Voltigore |kills= 1 |deaths= 3 |assists= 4 |gold= 12.4 |cs= 321 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= The Black Cleaver |item2= Spirit Visage |item3= Control Ward |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Frozen Mallet |item6= Warden's Mail |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Rek'Sai |name= SolidSnake |kills= 0 |deaths= 3 |assists= 7 |gold= 9.6 |cs= 138 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Smite |item1= Warmog's Armor |item2= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item3= Spectre's Cowl |item4= Ninja Tabi |item5= Kindlegem |item6= Ruby Crystal |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= LeBlanc |name= MasterJos |kills= 4 |deaths= 4 |assists= 3 |gold= 12.8 |cs= 296 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Hextech Gunblade |item2= Control Ward |item3= Banshee's Veil |item4= Health Potion |item5= Sorcerer's Shoes |item6= Rabadon's Deathcap |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Varus |name= Zigu |kills= 3 |deaths= 2 |assists= 3 |gold= 13.8 |cs= 360 |summonerspell1= Heal |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Blade of the Ruined King |item2= Statikk Shiv |item3= Infinity Edge |item4= Lord Dominik's Regards |item5= |item6= Berserker's Greaves |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Thresh |name= Gralou |kills= 1 |deaths= 5 |assists= 6 |gold= 7.7 |cs= 37 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Ignite |item1= Control Ward |item2= Locket of the Iron Solari |item3= Eye of the Equinox |item4= Boots of Mobility |item5= Kindlegem |item6= |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Cho'Gath |name= Akunma |kills= 2 |deaths= 1 |assists= 5 |gold= 13.0 |cs= 256 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Titanic Hydra |item2= Negatron Cloak |item3= Thornmail |item4= Righteous Glory |item5= Mercury's Treads |item6= Chain Vest |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Elise |name= Julaxe |kills= 1 |deaths= 2 |assists= 9 |gold= 12.1 |cs= 116 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Control Ward |item2= Dead Man's Plate |item3= Liandry's Torment |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Ruby Crystal |item6= Tracker's Knife - Runic Echoes |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Taliyah |name= Nobody |kills= 2 |deaths= 3 |assists= 10 |gold= 15.2 |cs= 296 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Cleanse |item1= Mercury's Treads |item2= Morellonomicon |item3= Banshee's Veil |item4= Void Staff |item5= Liandry's Torment |item6= Blasting Wand |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Tristana |name= Zeypher |kills= 9 |deaths= 2 |assists= 6 |gold= 17.7 |cs= 328 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= The Bloodthirster |item2= Rapid Firecannon |item3= Infinity Edge |item4= Berserker's Greaves |item5= Statikk Shiv |item6= Hexdrinker |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Braum |name= Suppa |kills= 3 |deaths= 1 |assists= 8 |gold= 11.7 |cs= 55 |summonerspell1= Exhaust |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Eye of the Equinox |item2= Control Ward |item3= Knight's Vow |item4= Locket of the Iron Solari |item5= Boots of Mobility |item6= Glacial Shroud |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Stoneborn Pact }}
|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/290534?gameHash=9b3b9396a73e3ecc&tab=overview }}
{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 2 |patch= 7.14 |team1= Dash9 |team2= ZTG |team1score= 2 |team2score= 0 |winner= 1 |team1ban1= Thresh |team1ban2= Shen |team1ban3= Maokai |team1ban4= Jarvan IV |team1ban5= Gragas |team2ban1= Zac |team2ban2= Syndra |team2ban3= Elise |team2ban4= Blitzcrank |team2ban5= Braum
|date= 2017-08-02 |dst= yes |PST= 17:44 |gamelength= 28:45 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
|team1g= 55.1 |team1k= 8 |team1d= 3 |team1b= 1 |team1t= 10 |team2g= 43.5 |team2k= 2 |team2d= 0 |team2b= 0 |team2t= 2 |team1rh= 0 |team2rh= 1 |team1i= 2 |team2i= 0
|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Camille |name= Akunma |kills= 3 |deaths= 0 |assists= 0 |gold= 11.8 |cs= 250 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Titanic Hydra |item2= Control Ward |item3= Guardian Angel |item4= Trinity Force |item5= Doran's Shield |item6= Mercury's Treads |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Sejuani |name= Julaxe |kills= 0 |deaths= 0 |assists= 7 |gold= 9.4 |cs= 105 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Knight's Vow |item2= Negatron Cloak |item3= Control Ward |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Chain Vest |item6= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Cassiopeia |name= Nobody |kills= 1 |deaths= 2 |assists= 4 |gold= 12.4 |cs= 282 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Ghost |item1= Doran's Ring |item2= Abyssal Scepter |item3= Morellonomicon |item4= Void Staff |item5= Tear of the Goddess |item6= Amplifying Tome |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Stormraider's Surge }}
|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Caitlyn |name= Zeypher |kills= 4 |deaths= 0 |assists= 2 |gold= 13.0 |cs= 275 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= |item2= Rapid Firecannon |item3= Infinity Edge |item4= Statikk Shiv |item5= Pickaxe |item6= Berserker's Greaves |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Alistar |name= Suppa |kills= 0 |deaths= 0 |assists= 5 |gold= 8.5 |cs= 17 |summonerspell1= Exhaust |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Eye of the Oasis |item2= |item3= Kindlegem |item4= Locket of the Iron Solari |item5= Boots of Mobility |item6= Chain Vest |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Cho'Gath |name= Voltigore |kills= 0 |deaths= 1 |assists= 1 |gold= 9.6 |cs= 257 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Thornmail |item2= Righteous Glory |item3= Chain Vest |item4= Negatron Cloak |item5= Ninja Tabi |item6= Ruby Crystal |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Rek'Sai |name= SolidSnake |kills= 1 |deaths= 4 |assists= 0 |gold= 7.8 |cs= 85 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Smite |item1= Refillable Potion |item2= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item3= Warmog's Armor |item4= Cloth Armor |item5= Ninja Tabi |item6= |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Orianna |name= MasterJos |kills= 0 |deaths= 2 |assists= 2 |gold= 8.9 |cs= 217 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Ghost |item1= Liandry's Torment |item2= Refillable Potion |item3= Doran's Ring |item4= Sorcerer's Shoes |item5= Morellonomicon |item6= Amplifying Tome |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Tristana |name= Zigu |kills= 1 |deaths= 0 |assists= 0 |gold= 9.9 |cs= 244 |summonerspell1= Heal |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Infinity Edge |item2= Doran's Shield |item3= Dagger |item4= Zeal |item5= Statikk Shiv |item6= Berserker's Greaves |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Janna |name= Gralou |kills= 0 |deaths= 1 |assists= 1 |gold= 7.3 |cs= 17 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Exhaust |item1= Forbidden Idol |item2= Control Ward |item3= Eye of the Oasis |item4= Ruby Crystal |item5= Ionian Boots of Lucidity |item6= Ardent Censer |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Windspeaker's Blessing }}
|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/290542?gameHash=c64b88e77dcfaa00&tab=overview }}
{{MatchRecapS7/Header|Silver Crows |Lyon Gaming}}{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 1 |patch= 7.14 |team1= Silver Crows |team2= Lyon Gaming |team1score= 0 |team2score= 1 |winner= 2 |team1ban1= Thresh |team1ban2= Cho'Gath |team1ban3= Sejuani |team1ban4= Cassiopeia |team1ban5= Camille |team2ban1= Caitlyn |team2ban2= Zac |team2ban3= Katarina |team2ban4= Syndra |team2ban5= LeBlanc
|date= 2017-08-01 |dst= yes |PST= 18:49 |gamelength= 28:21 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
|team1g= 44.6 |team1k= 10 |team1d= 0 |team1b= 0 |team1t= 1 |team2g= 59.3 |team2k= 20 |team2d= 3 |team2b= 1 |team2t= 10 |team1rh= 0 |team2rh= 1 |team1i= 0 |team2i= 2
|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Gragas |name= xSWRD |kills= 2 |deaths= 3 |assists= 4 |gold= 9.2 |cs= 193 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Doran's Shield |item2= Spirit Visage |item3= Bramble Vest |item4= Ninja Tabi |item5= Iceborn Gauntlet |item6= Ruby Crystal |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Kha'Zix |name= FraGio |kills= 3 |deaths= 4 |assists= 4 |gold= 8.6 |cs= 98 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Ninja Tabi |item2= Hexdrinker |item3= Tracker's Knife - Warrior |item4= Control Ward |item5= Serrated Dirk |item6= Caulfield's Warhammer |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Taliyah |name= Seranok |kills= 2 |deaths= 4 |assists= 4 |gold= 10.3 |cs= 240 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Blasting Wand |item2= Morellonomicon |item3= The Dark Seal |item4= Amplifying Tome |item5= Sorcerer's Shoes |item6= Banshee's Veil |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Stormraider's Surge }}
|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Ashe |name= Germoo |kills= 2 |deaths= 3 |assists= 6 |gold= 9.3 |cs= 187 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |item1= Berserker's Greaves |item2= Blade of the Ruined King |item3= Executioner's Calling |item4= Control Ward |item5= Runaan's Hurricane |item6= Doran's Blade |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Maokai |name= DevilPancake |kills= 1 |deaths= 6 |assists= 7 |gold= 7.2 |cs= 11 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Ignite |item1= Refillable Potion |item2= Righteous Glory |item3= Eye of the Watchers |item4= Ninja Tabi |item5= Cloth Armor |item6= |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Trundle |name= Jirall |kills= 1 |deaths= 0 |assists= 6 |gold= 12.0 |cs= 244 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Ravenous Hydra |item2= Giant's Belt |item3= |item4= Warden's Mail |item5= Spirit Visage |item6= Mercury's Treads |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Kayn |name= Oddie |kills= 9 |deaths= 4 |assists= 2 |gold= 12.3 |cs= 160 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Tracker's Knife - Warrior |item2= Hexdrinker |item3= The Black Cleaver |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Pickaxe |item6= Caulfield's Warhammer |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Karthus |name= Seiya |kills= 4 |deaths= 2 |assists= 12 |gold= 12.5 |cs= 225 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Exhaust |item1= Sorcerer's Shoes |item2= Liandry's Torment |item3= Morellonomicon |item4= The Dark Seal |item5= Sorcerer's Shoes |item6= Void Staff |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Deathfire Touch }}
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Kalista |name= WhiteLotus |kills= 5 |deaths= 1 |assists= 6 |gold= 13.7 |cs= 268 |summonerspell1= Heal |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Pickaxe |item2= Quicksilver Sash |item3= Blade of the Ruined King |item4= Berserker's Greaves |item5= Runaan's Hurricane |item6= Vampiric Scepter |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Alistar |name= Genthix |kills= 1 |deaths= 3 |assists= 13 |gold= 8.9 |cs= 31 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Ignite |item1= Boots of Mobility |item2= Righteous Glory |item3= Ruby Crystal |item4= Eye of the Equinox |item5= |item6= |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/280492?gameHash=ab5d5267d45508af&tab=overview }}
{{MatchRecapS7/Header|Gaming Gaming |Predators eSports}}{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 1 |patch= 7.14 |team1= Gaming Gaming |team2= Predators eSports |team1score= 0 |team2score= 1 |winner= 2 |team1ban1= Maokai |team1ban2= Vladimir |team1ban3= Elise |team1ban4= Orianna |team1ban5= Kassadin |team2ban1= Zac |team2ban2= Caitlyn |team2ban3= Lucian |team2ban4= Cassiopeia |team2ban5= Rumble
|date= 2017-08-02 |dst= yes |PST= 18:34 |gamelength= 44:23 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
|team1g= 80.7 |team1k= 15 |team1d= 1 |team1b= 1 |team1t= 8 |team2g= 85.3 |team2k= 21 |team2d= 4 |team2b= 1 |team2t= 8 |team1rh= 1 |team2rh= 0 |team1i= 2 |team2i= 1
|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Shen |name= ChumpJohn |kills= 2 |deaths= 2 |assists= 9 |gold= 17.3 |cs= 385 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item2= Titanic Hydra |item3= Thornmail |item4= Knight's Vow |item5= Spirit Visage |item6= Mercury's Treads |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Gragas |name= LiquidDiego |kills= 3 |deaths= 6 |assists= 9 |gold= 13.6 |cs= 141 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Smite |item1= Thornmail |item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item3= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Null-Magic Mantle |item6= Warmog's Armor |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Corki |name= Lezaford |kills= 6 |deaths= 2 |assists= 6 |gold= 20.1 |cs= 451 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Exhaust |item1= Infinity Edge |item2= Sorcerer's Shoes |item3= Trinity Force |item4= Maw of Malmortius |item5= Statikk Shiv |item6= Rapid Firecannon |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Kalista |name= N1njA |kills= 3 |deaths= 5 |assists= 9 |gold= 18.2 |cs= 400 |summonerspell1= Heal |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Phantom Dancer |item2= Frozen Mallet |item3= Blade of the Ruined King |item4= Runaan's Hurricane |item5= Berserker's Greaves |item6= Lord Dominik's Regards |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Thresh |name= NerzhuL |kills= 1 |deaths= 6 |assists= 11 |gold= 11.6 |cs= 54 |summonerspell1= Ignite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Locket of the Iron Solari |item2= Redemption |item3= Eye of the Equinox |item4= Boots of Mobility |item5= Kindlegem |item6= Control Ward |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Cho'Gath |name= jer0m |kills= 2 |deaths= 4 |assists= 9 |gold= 17.4 |cs= 382 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Righteous Glory |item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item3= Thornmail |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Adaptive Helm |item6= Warmog's Armor |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Rek'Sai |name= RafaL0L |kills= 4 |deaths= 1 |assists= 12 |gold= 15.3 |cs= 196 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Randuin's Omen |item2= Control Ward |item3= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item4= Thornmail |item5= Ninja Tabi |item6= Adaptive Helm |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Syndra |name= Icytower |kills= 5 |deaths= 2 |assists= 10 |gold= 19.5 |cs= 417 |summonerspell1= Ghost |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Void Staff |item2= Liandry's Torment |item3= Morellonomicon |item4= Spectre's Cowl |item5= Sorcerer's Shoes |item6= Rabadon's Deathcap |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Tristana |name= Manu |kills= 10 |deaths= 3 |assists= 9 |gold= 20.4 |cs= 401 |summonerspell1= Heal |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Statikk Shiv |item2= Blade of the Ruined King |item3= Berserker's Greaves |item4= Infinity Edge |item5= Rapid Firecannon |item6= Lord Dominik's Regards |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Blitzcrank |name= Choisix |kills= 0 |deaths= 5 |assists= 18 |gold= 12.8 |cs= 73 |summonerspell1= Exhaust |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Redemption |item2= Knight's Vow |item3= Locket of the Iron Solari |item4= |item5= Eye of the Equinox |item6= Boots of Mobility |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/290543?gameHash=e049b16c1d3aa321&tab=overview }}
{{MatchRecapS7|gamename= Game 2 |patch= 7.14 |team1= Predators eSports |team2= Gaming Gaming |team1score= 1 |team2score= 1 |winner= 2 |team1ban1= Lucian |team1ban2= Cassiopeia |team1ban3= Jhin |team1ban4= Rumble |team1ban5= Taliyah |team2ban1= Zac |team2ban2= Elise |team2ban3= Thresh |team2ban4= Orianna |team2ban5= Vladimir
|date= 2017-08-02 |dst= yes |PST= 19:54 |gamelength= 33:07 |tournament= LLN 2017 Closing
|team1g= 53.3 |team1k= 5 |team1d= 1 |team1b= 0 |team1t= 5 |team2g= 68 |team2k= 16 |team2d= 2 |team2b= 2 |team2t= 11 |team1rh= 0 |team2rh= 1 |team1i= 0 |team2i= 3
|blue1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Cho'Gath |name= jer0m |kills= 2 |deaths= 3 |assists= 1 |gold= 12.6 |cs= 291 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Righteous Glory |item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate |item3= Doran's Shield |item4= Thornmail |item5= Warden's Mail |item6= Ninja Tabi |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Grasp of the Undying }}
|blue2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Maokai |name= RafaL0L |kills= 2 |deaths= 1 |assists= 3 |gold= 9.2 |cs= 96 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Thornmail |item2= Control Ward |item3= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item4= Boots of Mobility |item5= Spectre's Cowl |item6= Null-Magic Mantle |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|blue3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Syndra |name= Icytower |kills= 1 |deaths= 4 |assists= 1 |gold= 12.2 |cs= 302 |summonerspell1= Barrier |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Doran's Ring |item2= Liandry's Torment |item3= Zhonya's Hourglass |item4= Sorcerer's Shoes |item5= Morellonomicon |item6= Blasting Wand |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
|blue4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Caitlyn |name= Manu |kills= 0 |deaths= 4 |assists= 0 |gold= 11.2 |cs= 270 |summonerspell1= Heal |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Rapid Firecannon |item2= |item3= Berserker's Greaves |item4= Infinity Edge |item5= Statikk Shiv |item6= Doran's Blade |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
|blue5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Blitzcrank |name= Choisix |kills= 0 |deaths= 4 |assists= 0 |gold= 8.0 |cs= 56 |summonerspell1= Exhaust |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Knight's Vow |item2= Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation |item3= Boots of Mobility |item4= Control Ward |item5= Eye of the Equinox |item6= Cloth Armor |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|red1={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Xin Zhao |name= ChumpJohn |kills= 2 |deaths= 3 |assists= 5 |gold= 14.7 |cs= 316 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |item1= Maw of Malmortius |item2= Ravenous Hydra |item3= Control Ward |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= Ruby Crystal |item6= Trinity Force |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Fervor of Battle }}
|red2={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Sejuani |name= LiquidDiego |kills= 3 |deaths= 0 |assists= 10 |gold= 11.9 |cs= 114 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Smite |item1= |item2= Tracker's Knife - Cinderhulk |item3= Knight's Vow |item4= Warmog's Armor |item5= Negatron Cloak |item6= Ninja Tabi |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Courage of the Colossus }}
|red3={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Zed |name= Lezaford |kills= 5 |deaths= 1 |assists= 4 |gold= 15.6 |cs= 333 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Ignite |item1= Blade of the Ruined King |item2= Youmuu's Ghostblade |item3= Hexdrinker |item4= Last Whisper |item5= Duskblade of Draktharr |item6= Mercury's Treads |trinket= Warding Totem |keystone= Thunderlord's Decree }}
|red4={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Kog'Maw |name= N1njA |kills= 4 |deaths= 1 |assists= 7 |gold= 15.3 |cs= 310 |summonerspell1= Heal |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Lord Dominik's Regards |item2= Control Ward |item3= Blade of the Ruined King |item4= Berserker's Greaves |item5= Wit's End |item6= Runaan's Hurricane |trinket= Farsight Alteration |keystone= Warlord's Bloodlust }}
|red5={{MatchRecapS7/Player|champion= Braum |name= NerzhuL |kills= 2 |deaths= 0 |assists= 12 |gold= 10.4 |cs= 56 |summonerspell1= Exhaust |summonerspell2= Flash |item1= Locket of the Iron Solari |item2= Eye of the Equinox |item3= Knight's Vow |item4= Mercury's Treads |item5= |item6= |trinket= Oracle Alteration |keystone= Stoneborn Pact }}
|vodlink= |statslink= http://matchhistory.lan.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT03/290550?gameHash=03f0de91ab110ca9 }}

Revision as of 09:21, 9 September 2017

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