Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki
Player Team Champion Position Runes Tree Runes Subtree Keystone Rune 1 Rune 2 Rune 3 Rune 4 Rune 5 Game ID
fitz RBT Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Iron Skin Second Wind 480117
leozuxo RBT Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 480117
rakyz RBT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 480117
warangelus RBT Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 480117
shadow RBT Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 480117
helior LGT Camille Top Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Triumph Coup de Grace 480117
clatos LGT Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 480117
kirito LGT Taliyah Mid Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 480117
nothing LGT Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 480117
caos LGT Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Future's Market Celestial Body 480117
hazard DH Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 480128
rakyl DH Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 480128
sonata DH Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 480128
tomnam DH Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 480128
hayha DH Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Future's Market Perfect Timing 480128
sunblast UC Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scorch Celerity 480128
woofi UC Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 480128
magico UC Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 480128
kimi UC Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 480128
nekhazten UC Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Future's Market Approach Velocity 480128
acce FG Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 480135
josedeodo FG Zac Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 480135
nobody FG Zoe Mid Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 480135
prodi FG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 480135
tulz FG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Second Wind Future's Market Hextech Flashtraption 480135
lukasnegro HAF Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Conditioning Second Wind 480135
khynm HAF Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 480135
gambite HAF Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 480135
kz HAF Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 480135
badmilk HAF Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Approach Velocity Magical Footwear 480135
nipphu ISG Gangplank Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 480140
qqmore ISG Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 480140
emp ISG Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 480140
kindless ISG Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 480140
newbie ISG Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 480140
nate KLG Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Absolute Focus Scorch Conditioning Second Wind 480140
tierwulf KLG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 480140
plugo KLG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 480140
fix KLG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Precision Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Coup de Grace 480140
slow KLG Ornn Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 480140
lukasnegro HAF Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470140
khynm HAF Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470140
gambite HAF Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 470140
kz HAF Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470140
badmilk HAF Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 470140
sunblast UC Shen Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 470140
woofi UC Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 470140
magico UC Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 470140
kimi UC Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470140
nekhazten UC Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Future's Market Approach Velocity 470140
fitz RBT Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 470147
leozuxo RBT Lee Sin Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470147
rakyz RBT Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 470147
warangelus RBT Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470147
shadow RBT Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 470147
nate KLG Gangplank Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 470147
tierwulf KLG Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 470147
plugo KLG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 470147
fix KLG Twitch ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470147
slow KLG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Future's Market 470147
hazard DH Shen Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 470152
rakyl DH Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 470152
sonata DH Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 470152
tomnam DH Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 470152
hayha DH Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Future's Market Celestial Body Demolish Iron Skin 470152
helior LGT Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 470152
clatos LGT Gragas Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470152
kirito LGT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 470152
nothing LGT Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470152
caos LGT Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Celestial Body 470152
acce FG Ornn Top Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 470156
josedeodo FG Camille Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470156
nobody FG Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 470156
prodi FG Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470156
tulz FG Janna Support Resolve Domination Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter 470156
nipphu ISG Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Conditioning Second Wind 470156
qqmore ISG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470156
emp ISG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 470156
kindless ISG Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 470156
newbie ISG Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 470156
nipphu ISG Gangplank Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 500062
qqmore ISG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500062
emp ISG Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500062
kindless ISG Varus ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Alacrity 500062
newbie ISG Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 500062
fitz RBT Lucian Top Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Legend: Alacrity Overheal 500062
leozuxo RBT Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500062
rakyz RBT Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Font of Life Mirror Shell Second Wind The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 500062
warangelus RBT Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500062
shadow RBT Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 500062
helior LGT Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Manaflow Band Transcendence 500071
clatos LGT Rek'Sai Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 500071
kirito LGT Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 500071
nothing LGT Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500071
caos LGT Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500071
lukasnegro HAF Gnar Top Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 500071
khynm HAF Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500071
gambite HAF Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band 500071
kz HAF Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500071
badmilk HAF Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 500071
sunblast UC Maokai Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Unflinching Mirror Shell Second Wind Manaflow Band Transcendence 500083
woofi UC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500083
magico UC Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 500083
kimi UC Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500083
nekhazten UC Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Celestial Body Biscuit Delivery 500083
acce FG Rumble Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Revitalize 500083
josedeodo FG Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500083
nobody FG Jayce Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Taste of Blood Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Manaflow Band 500083
prodi FG Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Coup de Grace 500083
tulz FG Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 500083
nate KLG Gangplank Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Nullifying Orb Transcendence 500087
tierwulf KLG Gragas Jungle Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 500087
plugo KLG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 500087
fix KLG Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Bloodline 500087
slow KLG Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Second Wind Demolish 500087
hazard DH Vladimir Top Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 500087
rakyl DH Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 500087
sonata DH Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 500087
tomnam DH Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 500087
hayha DH Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 500087
hazard DH Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 490120
rakyl DH Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 490120
sonata DH Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 490120
tomnam DH Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 490120
hayha DH Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Celestial Body Magical Footwear 490120
fitz RBT Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 490120
leozuxo RBT Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 490120
rakyz RBT Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Font of Life Mirror Shell Second Wind The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 490120
warangelus RBT Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Transcendence 490120
shadow RBT Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 490120
sunblast UC Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 490122
woofi UC Nidalee Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 490122
magico UC Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 490122
kimi UC Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 490122
nekhazten UC Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Future's Market Celestial Body 490122
nipphu ISG Nasus Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 490122
qqmore ISG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 490122
emp ISG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Nullifying Orb Celerity 490122
kindless ISG Varus ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Alacrity 490122
newbie ISG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 490122
lukasnegro HAF Vladimir Top Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Ravenous Hunter Taste of Blood 490130
khynm HAF Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 490130
gambite HAF Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Manaflow Band 490130
kz HAF Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 490130
badmilk HAF Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 490130
nate KLG Cho'Gath Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Mirror Shell Second Wind 490130
tierwulf KLG Ivern Jungle Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Celestial Body Biscuit Delivery 490130
plugo KLG Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 490130
fix KLG Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Bloodline 490130
slow KLG Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Second Wind Demolish 490130
helior LGT Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Manaflow Band Transcendence 500114
clatos LGT Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500114
kirito LGT Azir Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 500114
nothing LGT Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500114
caos LGT Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 500114
acce FG Fiora Top Inspiration Precision Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Triumph Legend: Alacrity 500114
josedeodo FG Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 500114
nobody FG Xerath Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 500114
prodi FG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 500114
tulz FG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Future's Market 500114
sunblast UC Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 520043
woofi UC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520043
magico UC Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 520043
kimi UC Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520043
nekhazten UC Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body 520043
helior LGT Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 520043
clatos LGT Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520043
kirito LGT Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 520043
nothing LGT Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Bloodline Cut Down 520043
caos LGT Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Celestial Body Conditioning Unflinching 520043
fitz RBT Camille Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Celerity Manaflow Band 520048
leozuxo RBT Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520048
rakyz RBT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 520048
warangelus RBT Jinx ADC Inspiration Precision Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Bloodline 520048
shadow RBT Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 520048
lukasnegro HAF Shen Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 520048
khynm HAF Nunu Jungle Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520048
gambite HAF Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 520048
kz HAF Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520048
badmilk HAF Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 520048
nipphu ISG Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 520059
qqmore ISG Nunu Jungle Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Demolish Conditioning 520059
emp ISG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Nullifying Orb Celerity 520059
kindless ISG Jinx ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Alacrity 520059
newbie ISG Shen Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 520059
hazard DH Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 520059
rakyl DH Evelynn Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter The Ultimate Hat Celerity 520059
sonata DH Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band 520059
tomnam DH Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Cut Down Legend: Alacrity 520059
hayha DH Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Future's Market Perfect Timing 520059
acce FG Maokai Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Manaflow Band Scorch 520066
josedeodo FG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520066
nobody FG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 520066
prodi FG Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Coup de Grace 520066
tulz FG Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Second Wind Conditioning 520066
nate KLG Camille Top Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Absolute Focus Scorch Future's Market Hextech Flashtraption 520066
tierwulf KLG Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520066
plugo KLG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 520066
fix KLG Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 520066
slow KLG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Minion Dematerializer 520066
acce FG Kled Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Last Stand Iron Skin Second Wind 520076
josedeodo FG Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520076
nobody FG Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 520076
prodi FG Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520076
tulz FG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Future's Market 520076
fitz RBT Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Iron Skin Second Wind 520076
leozuxo RBT Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 520076
rakyz RBT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 520076
warangelus RBT Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 520076
shadow RBT Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Minion Dematerializer 520076
nate KLG Gnar Top Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 520085
tierwulf KLG Lee Sin Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520085
plugo KLG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 520085
fix KLG Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 520085
slow KLG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Minion Dematerializer 520085
sunblast UC Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 520085
woofi UC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520085
mรกgico UC Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Scorch The Ultimate Hat 520085
kimi UC Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520085
nekhazten UC Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing 520085
lukasnegro HAF Shen Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing 520089
khynm HAF Nunu Jungle Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520089
gambite HAF Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 520089
kz HAF Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520089
badmilk HAF Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 520089
hazard DH Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 520089
rakyl DH Gragas Jungle Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Revitalize 520089
sonata DH Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity The Ultimate Hat 520089
tomnam DH Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520089
hayha DH Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Celestial Body Demolish Iron Skin 520089
helior LGT Ornn Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 520097
clatos LGT Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520097
kirito LGT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 520097
nothing LGT Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520097
caos LGT Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Celestial Body 520097
nipphu ISG Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 520097
qqmore ISG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520097
emp ISG Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Presence of Mind Cut Down 520097
kindless ISG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Absolute Focus 520097
newbie ISG Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 520097
nipphu ISG Nasus Top Sorcery Resolve Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 520211
qqmore ISG Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520211
emp ISG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 520211
kindless ISG Varus ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Alacrity 520211
newbie ISG Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 520211
lukasnegro HAF Gangplank Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Manaflow Band 520211
khynm HAF Skarner Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 520211
gambite HAF Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 520211
kz HAF Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 520211
badmilk HAF Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Iron Skin Second Wind 520211
sunblast UC Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Scorch Celerity 520235
woofi UC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520235
mรกgico UC Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Scorch Manaflow Band 520235
kimi UC Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520235
nekhazten UC Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520235
fitz RBT Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 520235
leozuxo RBT Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Coup de Grace Legend: Alacrity 520235
rakyz RBT Galio Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Mirror Shell Second Wind 520235
warangelus RBT Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 520235
shadow RBT Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Future's Market 520235
hazard DH Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 520256
rakyl DH Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 520256
sonata DH Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520256
tomnam DH Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520256
hayha DH Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Perfect Timing 520256
acce FG Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 520256
josedeodo FG Ivern Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 520256
nobody FG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Manaflow Band 520256
prodi FG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 520256
tulz FG Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 520256
nate KLG Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind The Ultimate Hat Scorch 520279
tierwulf KLG Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520279
plugo KLG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 520279
fix KLG Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520279
slow KLG Ornn Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Demolish Second Wind 520279
helior LGT Shen Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520279
clatos LGT Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520279
kirito LGT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 520279
nothing LGT Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band 520279
caos LGT Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Conditioning Revitalize 520279
helior LGT Ornn Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 510358
clatos LGT Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510358
kirito LGT Taliyah Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 510358
nothing LGT Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510358
caos LGT Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Iron Skin Second Wind 510358
fitz RBT Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Conditioning Second Wind 510358
leozuxo RBT Gragas Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Coup de Grace Legend: Alacrity 510358
rakyz RBT Orianna Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 510358
warangelus RBT Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510358
shadow RBT Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body Conditioning Second Wind 510358
sunblast UC Malphite Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Transcendence Manaflow Band 510376
woofi UC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510376
mรกgico UC Galio Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 510376
kimi UC Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510376
nekhazten UC Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 510376
hazard DH Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Mirror Shell Second Wind 510376
rakyl DH Gragas Jungle Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Revitalize 510376
sonata DH Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510376
tomnam DH Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510376
hayha DH Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Perfect Timing 510376
lukasnegro HAF Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 510387
khynm HAF Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510387
gambite HAF Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 510387
kz HAF Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 510387
badmilk HAF Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Approach Velocity 510387
acce FG Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 510387
josedeodo FG Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510387
nobody FG LeBlanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity The Ultimate Hat 510387
prodi FG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 510387
tulz FG Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Perfect Timing 510387
nate KLG Camille Top Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Hextech Flashtraption Future's Market 510402
tierwulf KLG Zac Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 510402
plugo KLG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 510402
fix KLG Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Bloodline 510402
slow KLG Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Demolish Revitalize 510402
nipphu ISG Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 510402
qqmore ISG Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510402
emp ISG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 510402
kindless ISG Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510402
newbie ISG Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 510402
sunblast UC Swain Top Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 530168
woofi UC Skarner Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 530168
mรกgico UC Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Transcendence 530168
kimi UC Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 530168
nekhazten UC Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Demolish Second Wind 530168
lukasnegro HAF Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Second Wind Mirror Shell 530168
khynm HAF Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Coup de Grace 530168
gambite HAF Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 530168
focho HAF Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band 530168
badmilk HAF Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Celestial Body Biscuit Delivery 530168
nate KLG Gnar Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 530175
tierwulf KLG Camille Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Triumph 530175
plugo KLG Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 530175
fix KLG Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 530175
slow KLG Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Demolish Revitalize 530175
fitz RBT Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 530175
leozuxo RBT Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Coup de Grace Legend: Alacrity 530175
rakyz RBT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 530175
warangelus RBT Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530175
shadow RBT Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Perfect Timing 530175
helior LGT Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Gathering Storm Mirror Shell Second Wind 530189
clatos LGT Nunu Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Triumph 530189
kirito LGT Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 530189
nothing LGT Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 530189
caos LGT Ornn Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 530189
hazard DH Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 530189
rakyl DH Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 530189
sonata DH Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530189
tomnam DH Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 530189
hayha DH Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Revitalize Demolish 530189
nipphu ISG Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 530195
qqmore ISG Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Triumph 530195
emp ISG Galio Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Minion Dematerializer Perfect Timing 530195
kindless ISG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530195
newbie ISG Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Revitalize 530195
acce FG Lucian Top Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 530195
josedeodo FG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Triumph Coup de Grace 530195
nobody FG Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Transcendence Gathering Storm 530195
prodi FG Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 530195
tulz FG Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 530195
fitz RBT Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530239
leozuxo RBT Zac Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Coup de Grace Legend: Alacrity 530239
rakyz RBT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 530239
warangelus RBT Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530239
shadow RBT Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Revitalize 530239
nipphu ISG Fiora Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 530239
qqmore ISG Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 530239
emp ISG Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 530239
kindless ISG Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 530239
newbie ISG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 530239
lukasnegro HAF Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Second Wind Iron Skin 530258
khynm HAF Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 530258
gambite HAF Galio Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 530258
kz HAF Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 530258
badmilk HAF Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Future's Market Celestial Body 530258
helior LGT Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 530258
clatos LGT Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Resolve Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Overgrowth Conditioning 530258
kirito LGT Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Future's Market 530258
nothing LGT Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 530258
caos LGT Ornn Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Iron Skin Second Wind 530258
acce FG Jayce Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 530277
josedeodo FG Lee Sin Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 530277
nobody FG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 530277
prodi FG Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 530277
tulz FG Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Demolish Second Wind 530277
sunblast UC Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Manaflow Band Scorch 530277
woofi UC Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Iron Skin Overgrowth Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 530277
mรกgico UC Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Transcendence 530277
kimi UC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 530277
nekhazten UC Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 530277
hazard DH Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Mirror Shell Second Wind 530290
rakyl DH Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Coup de Grace 530290
sonata DH LeBlanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530290
tomnam DH Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530290
hayha DH Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Revitalize Demolish 530290
nate KLG Cho'Gath Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Iron Skin Second Wind 530290
tierwulf KLG Skarner Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 530290
plugo KLG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 530290
fix KLG Kalista ADC Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530290
slow KLG Thresh Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Demolish Second Wind 530290
fitz RBT Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Gathering Storm Iron Skin Second Wind 540417
rod RBT Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Relentless Hunter Zombie Ward 540417
rakyz RBT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 540417
warangelus RBT Draven ADC Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Overheal Legend: Bloodline 540417
shadow RBT Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 540417
hazard DH Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 540417
rakyl DH Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 540417
sonata DH Taliyah Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 540417
tomnam DH Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Scorch Manaflow Band 540417
woohee DH Janna Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Revitalize 540417
nipphu ISG Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Mirror Shell Second Wind 540440
qqmore ISG Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 540440
fear ISG Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 540440
kindless ISG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 540440
newbie ISG Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Iron Skin Second Wind 540440
sunblast UC Vladimir Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 540440
woofi UC Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540440
mรกgico UC Viktor Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 540440
kimi UC Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 540440
nekhazten UC Rakan Support Resolve Domination Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 540440
nate KLG Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 540454
tierwulf KLG Olaf Jungle Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Iron Skin Second Wind 540454
plugo KLG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 540454
fix KLG Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 540454
slow KLG Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Demolish Second Wind 540454
lukasnegro HAF Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Second Wind Mirror Shell 540454
khynm HAF Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 540454
gambite HAF Galio Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 540454
kz HAF Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 540454
badmilk HAF Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Revitalize Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing 540454
acce FG Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 540472
josedeodo FG Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 540472
nobody FG Syndra Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 540472
prodi FG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 540472
tulz FG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Perfect Timing 540472
helior LGT Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Iron Skin Second Wind 540472
clatos LGT Zac Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Zombie Ward Sudden Impact 540472
kirito LGT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Manaflow Band 540472
nothing LGT Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 540472
caos LGT Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Perfect Timing Future's Market 540472
helior LGT Camille Top Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 540507
clatos LGT Nunu Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Triumph Legend: Alacrity 540507
kirito LGT Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 540507
nothing LGT Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 540507
caos LGT Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Second Wind Mirror Shell 540507
sunblast UC Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Manaflow Band Scorch 540507
woofi UC Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540507
mágico UC Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Scorch Celerity 540507
kimi UC Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 540507
nekhazten UC Rakan Support Resolve Domination Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 540507
lukasnegro HAF Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Manaflow Band Transcendence 540516
khynm HAF Nidalee Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Scorch 540516
gambite HAF Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 540516
kz HAF Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 540516
badmilk HAF Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body 540516
fitz RBT Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Gathering Storm Mirror Shell Second Wind 540516
rod RBT Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 540516
rakyz RBT Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 540516
warangelus RBT Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 540516
shadow RBT Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 540516
hazard DH Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 540532
rakyl DH Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540532
sonata DH Taliyah Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 540532
tomnam DH Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 540532
woohee DH Rakan Support Resolve Domination Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 540532
nipphu ISG Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Mirror Shell Second Wind 540532
qqmore ISG Camille Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 540532
fear ISG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 540532
kindless ISG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 540532
newbie ISG Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 540532
nate KLG Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 540548
tierwulf KLG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540548
plugo KLG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 540548
fix KLG Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 540548
slow KLG Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Demolish Second Wind 540548
acce FG Jax Top Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 540548
josedeodo FG Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 540548
nobody FG Syndra Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 540548
prodi FG Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 540548
tulz FG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 540548
fitz RBT Trundle Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Legend: Tenacity Overheal 560100
rod RBT Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560100
rakyz RBT Anivia Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Legend: Tenacity Presence of Mind 560100
warangelus RBT Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560100
shadow RBT Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 560100
acce FG Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Iron Skin Bone Plating 560100
josedeodo FG Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 560100
nobody FG Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 560100
prodi FG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 560100
tulz FG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 560100
sunblast UC Darius Top Sorcery Resolve Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Transcendence Gathering Storm Second Wind Bone Plating 560112
woofi UC Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Waterwalking Celerity 560112
mágico UC Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 560112
kimi UC Sivir ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 560112
nekhazten UC Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic 560112
nate KLG Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 560112
tierwulf KLG Ivern Jungle Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Waterwalking Font of Life Revitalize 560112
plugo KLG Sion Mid Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Mirror Shell 560112
fix KLG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 560112
slow KLG Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 560112
hazard DH Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 560133
rakyl DH Olaf Jungle Domination Resolve Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Unflinching Conditioning 560133
sonata DH Karma Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 560133
tomnam DH Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 560133
woohee DH Rakan Support Resolve Domination Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter 560133
lukasnegro HAF Illaoi Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 560133
khynm HAF Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560133
gambite HAF Zilean Mid Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cheap Shot Ravenous Hunter 560133
kz HAF Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 560133
badmilk HAF Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Iron Skin 560133
nipphu ISG Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Conditioning 560142
qqmore ISG Ivern Jungle Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Gathering Storm Cosmic Insight Minion Dematerializer 560142
emp ISG Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 560142
kindless ISG Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560142
newbie ISG Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 560142
helior LGT Trundle Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 560142
clatos LGT Olaf Jungle Domination Resolve Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Bone Plating Overgrowth 560142
kirito LGT Kassadin Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 560142
nothing LGT Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 560142
caos LGT Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Mirror Shell Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic 560142
lukasnegro HAF Illaoi Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 560221
khynm HAF Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 560221
gambite HAF Kassadin Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 560221
kz HAF Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560221
badmilk HAF Sion Support Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear 560221
nipphu ISG Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Time Warp Tonic 560221
qqmore ISG Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560221
emp ISG Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 560221
kindless ISG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 560221
newbie ISG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer 560221
fitz RBT Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 560241
leozuxo RBT Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Coup de Grace 560241
rakyz RBT Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Cut Down The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 560241
warangelus RBT Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 560241
shadow RBT Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic 560241
sunblast UC Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Bone Plating Iron Skin 560241
woofi UC Hecarim Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Waterwalking Celerity 560241
mágico UC Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Gathering Storm Celerity 560241
kimi UC Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 560241
nekhazten UC Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 560241
acce FG Jayce Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 560260
froststrike FG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 560260
nobody FG Taliyah Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band 560260
prodi FG Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 560260
tulz FG Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 560260
hazard DH Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Future's Market 560260
rakyl DH Sejuani Jungle Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Conditioning Bone Plating 560260
sonata DH Ekko Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Bone Plating Second Wind 560260
tomnam DH Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 560260
woohee DH Leona Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter 560260
helior LGT Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 560266
clatos LGT Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 560266
kirito LGT Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 560266
nothing LGT Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560266
caos LGT Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Mirror Shell Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic 560266
nate KLG Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Conditioning Bone Plating 560266
tierwulf KLG Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 560266
plugo KLG Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 560266
fix KLG Kog'Maw ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 560266
slow KLG Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Conditioning 560266
fitz RBT Poppy Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Mirror Shell 550397
leozuxo RBT Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550397
rakyz RBT Anivia Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity 550397
warangelus RBT Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550397
shadow RBT Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Revitalize 550397
helior LGT Rumble Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 550397
clatos LGT Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Triumph 550397
kirito LGT Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550397
nothing LGT Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 550397
caos LGT Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Iron Skin 550397
sunblast UC Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 550407
woofi UC Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Waterwalking Celerity 550407
mágico UC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 550407
kimi UC Kog'Maw ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 550407
nekhazten UC Karma Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear 550407
hazard DH Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Conditioning 550407
rakyl DH Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550407
sonata DH Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Manaflow Band 550407
tomnam DH Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550407
woohee DH Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Mirror Shell 550407
acce FG Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Bone Plating Second Wind 550414
froststrike FG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550414
nobody FG Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 550414
prodi FG Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 550414
tulz FG Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 550414
lukasnegro HAF Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Manaflow Band Transcendence 550414
focho HAF Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Waterwalking Celerity 550414
gambite HAF Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550414
kz HAF Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 550414
badmilk HAF Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Approach Velocity Hextech Flashtraption 550414
nate KLG Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Bone Plating 550423
tierwulf KLG Camille Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550423
plugo KLG Syndra Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 550423
fix KLG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550423
slow KLG Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 550423
nipphu ISG Fiora Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 550423
qqmore ISG Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550423
emp ISG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 550423
kindless ISG Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 550423
newbie ISG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 550423
lukasnegro HAF Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Mirror Shell 550458
focho HAF Rek'Sai Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Triumph 550458
gambite HAF Galio Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Relentless Hunter Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550458
kz HAF Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550458
badmilk HAF Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 550458
sunblast UC Ryze Top Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 550458
woofi UC Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550458
mágico UC Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Scorch Manaflow Band 550458
kimi UC Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 550458
nekhazten UC Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 550458
fitz RBT Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Bone Plating Iron Skin 550478
rod RBT Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550478
rakyz RBT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 550478
warangelus RBT Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 550478
shadow RBT Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 550478
nate KLG Camille Top Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 550478
tierwulf KLG Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550478
plugo KLG Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 550478
fix KLG Kog'Maw ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550478
slow KLG Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 550478
hazard DH Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Overheal Legend: Alacrity 550494
rakyl DH Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Waterwalking The Ultimate Hat 550494
sonata DH Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 550494
tomnam DH Ashe ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 550494
woohee DH Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 550494
helior LGT Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Second Wind 550494
clatos LGT Olaf Jungle Domination Resolve Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Bone Plating Overgrowth 550494
kirito LGT Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550494
nothing LGT Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 550494
caos LGT Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Iron Skin 550494
nipphu ISG Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Gathering Storm Bone Plating Mirror Shell 550506
qqmore ISG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 550506
emp ISG Galio Mid Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Mirror Shell Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 550506
kindless ISG Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 550506
newbie ISG Nami Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear 550506
acce FG Swain Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 550506
froststrike FG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 550506
nobody FG Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 550506
prodi FG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 550506
tulz FG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 550506
nipphu ISG Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Gathering Storm Bone Plating Mirror Shell 570153
qqmore ISG Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570153
emp ISG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 570153
kindless ISG Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570153
newbie ISG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 570153
fitz RBT Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 570153
rod RBT Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 570153
rakyz RBT Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 570153
warangelus RBT Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 570153
shadow RBT Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic 570153
lukasnegro HAF Shen Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Nullifying Orb Transcendence 570173
khynm HAF Elise Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Scorch 570173
gambite HAF Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 570173
kz HAF Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570173
badmilk HAF Braum Support Resolve Sorcery Guardian Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Transcendence The Ultimate Hat 570173
helior LGT Swain Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Bone Plating Second Wind 570173
clatos LGT Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570173
kirito LGT Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 570173
nothing LGT Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 570173
caos LGT Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Iron Skin 570173
acce FG Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 570179
josedeodo FG Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570179
nobody FG Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 570179
prodi FG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 570179
tulz FG Sion Support Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 570179
sunblast UC Vladimir Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Second Wind Bone Plating 570179
woofi UC Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570179
mágico UC Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cut Down Presence of Mind 570179
kimi UC Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 570179
nekhazten UC Thresh Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 570179
nate KLG Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 570188
tierwulf KLG Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570188
plugo KLG Syndra Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 570188
fix KLG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570188
slow KLG Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear 570188
hazard DH Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Mirror Shell Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 570188
rakyl DH Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Legend: Alacrity Triumph 570188
sonata DH Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 570188
tomnam DH Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 570188
woohee DH Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 570188
hazard DH Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 570219
rakyl DH Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570219
sonata DH Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 570219
tomnam DH Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570219
woohee DH Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Waterwalking Future's Market Cosmic Insight 570219
fitz RBT Swain Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Iron Skin 570219
leozuxo RBT Ivern Jungle Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Future's Market Cosmic Insight 570219
rakyz RBT Anivia Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 570219
warangelus RBT Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570219
shadow RBT Morgana Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Iron Skin 570219
nipphu ISG Fiora Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Second Wind 570242
qqmore ISG Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 570242
emp ISG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 570242
kindless ISG Ashe ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570242
newbie ISG Alistar Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 570242
sunblast UC Cassiopeia Top Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570242
woofi UC Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570242
mágico UC Sion Mid Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Mirror Shell 570242
kimi UC Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 570242
nekhazten UC Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 570242
nate KLG Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Bone Plating 570252
tierwulf KLG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Triumph 570252
plugo KLG Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Mirror Shell Overgrowth The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 570252
fix KLG Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570252
slow KLG Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 570252
lukasnegro HAF Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Second Wind Bone Plating 570252
khynm HAF Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 570252
gambite HAF Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 570252
kz HAF Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 570252
badmilk HAF Alistar Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 570252
acce FG Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 570257
josedeodo FG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Coup de Grace 570257
nobody FG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 570257
prodi FG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 570257
tulz FG Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 570257
helior LGT Swain Top Sorcery Resolve Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Bone Plating Second Wind 570257
clatos LGT Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Resolve Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Overgrowth Bone Plating 570257
kirito LGT Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570257
nothing LGT Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 570257
caos LGT Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Second Wind 570257
sunblast UC Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 570422
woofi UC Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570422
mágico UC Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 570422
kimi UC Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570422
nekhazten UC Thresh Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 570422
helior LGT Camille Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Second Wind 570422
clatos LGT Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Triumph 570422
kirito LGT Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 570422
nothing LGT Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 570422
caos LGT Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Iron Skin 570422
lukasnegro HAF Poppy Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Iron Skin 570424
khynm HAF Nocturne Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 570424
gambite HAF Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Transcendence Gathering Storm 570424
kz HAF Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570424
badmilk HAF Alistar Support Resolve Domination Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 570424
fitz RBT Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Bone Plating Conditioning 570424
leozuxo RBT Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 570424
rakyz RBT Orianna Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity 570424
warangelus RBT Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570424
shadow RBT Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Conditioning 570424
nipphu ISG Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Conditioning 570440
qqmore ISG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity 570440
emp ISG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 570440
kindless ISG Jhin ADC Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace 570440
newbie ISG Karma Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 570440
hazard DH Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 570440
rakyl DH Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity The Ultimate Hat 570440
sonata DH Syndra Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570440
tomnam DH Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570440
woohee DH Morgana Support Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter 570440
nate KLG Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Overheal Coup de Grace 570451
tierwulf KLG Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 570451
plugo KLG Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 570451
fix KLG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570451
slow KLG Thresh Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 570451
acce FG Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Second Wind 570451
josedeodo FG Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570451
nobody FG Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570451
prodi FG Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 570451
tulz FG Sion Support Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 570451
fitz RBT Fiora Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Second Wind 570472
rod RBT Xin Zhao Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 570472
rakyz RBT Swain Mid Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 570472
warangelus RBT Ziggs ADC Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570472
shadow RBT Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity 570472
acce FG Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 570472
froststrike FG Zac Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 570472
nobody FG Sion Mid Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Conditioning 570472
prodi FG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Nullifying Orb 570472
tulz FG Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 570472
sunblast UC Camille Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Second Wind 570480
woofi UC Gragas Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 570480
mágico UC Aurelion Sol Mid Inspiration Sorcery Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Waterwalking Celerity 570480
kimi UC Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 570480
nekhazten UC Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 570480
nate KLG Shen Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Legend: Tenacity Last Stand 570480
tierwulf KLG Zac Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Triumph 570480
plugo KLG Kassadin Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 570480
fix KLG Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570480
slow KLG Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 570480
lukasnegro HAF Gangplank Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 570490
khynm HAF Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570490
gambite HAF Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Cut Down 570490
kz HAF Jhin ADC Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Legend: Bloodline Cut Down 570490
badmilk HAF Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 570490
hazard DH Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Second Wind Bone Plating 570490
rakyl DH Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 570490
sonata DH Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570490
tomnam DH Twitch ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570490
woohee DH Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 570490
nipphu ISG Swain Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 570496
qqmore ISG Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 570496
emp ISG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Transcendence 570496
kindless ISG Jhin ADC Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Coup de Grace Legend: Bloodline 570496
newbie ISG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Hextech Flashtraption 570496
helior LGT Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 570496
clatos LGT Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570496
kirito LGT Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570496
nothing LGT Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 570496
caos LGT Morgana Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Iron Skin 570496
nipphu ISG Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Conditioning 580477
qqmore ISG Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 580477
emp ISG Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 580477
kindless ISG Jhin ADC Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Legend: Bloodline Cut Down 580477
newbie ISG Karma Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 580477
lukasnegro HAF Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Revitalize Manaflow Band Transcendence 580477
khynm HAF Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Last Stand The Ultimate Hat Celerity 580477
gambite HAF Xerath Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580477
focho HAF Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 580477
badmilk HAF Braum Support Resolve Sorcery Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 580477
sunblast UC Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Second Wind Bone Plating 580485
woofi UC Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 580485
mágico UC Sion Mid Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 580485
kimi UC Kog'Maw ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 580485
nekhazten UC Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 580485
fitz RBT Riven Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Transcendence Scorch 580485
leozuxo RBT Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Triumph 580485
rakyz RBT Ezreal Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Manaflow Band Scorch 580485
warangelus RBT Lucian ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 580485
shadow RBT Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic 580485
acce FG Fiora Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Bone Plating Second Wind 580493
froststrike FG Lee Sin Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 580493
nobody FG Yasuo Mid Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 580493
prodi FG Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 580493
tulz FG Bard Support Domination Resolve Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Bone Plating Second Wind 580493
hazard DH Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 580493
rakyl DH Camille Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 580493
sonata DH Ekko Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Bone Plating Second Wind 580493
tomnam DH Jhin ADC Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 580493
hayha DH Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 580493
nate KLG Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 580501
tierwulf KLG Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 580501
plugo KLG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 580501
fix KLG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 580501
slow KLG Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 580501
helior LGT Illaoi Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 580501
clatos LGT Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Triumph 580501
kirito LGT Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Manaflow Band Celerity 580501
nothing LGT Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 580501
caos LGT Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Revitalize 580501