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{{MatchRecapS8/Header|AGO ROGUE|mousesports}}
{{MatchRecapS8|tournament= EM 2020 Summer Main Event |patch= 10.16 |winner= 1 |gamelength= 30:22 |timezone= CET |date= 2020-09-19 |dst= yes |time= 20:29 |statslink= http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/ESPORTSTMNT04/1320068?gameHash=763872841e1635ae |vodlink=
|team1= AGO ROGUE |team1g= 57264 |team1k= 21 |team1d= 4 |team1b= 1 |team1t= 9 |team1rh= 1 |team1i= 1 |team1cloud= 1 |team1infernal= 0 |team1mountain= 0 |team1ocean= 3 |team1elder= 0 |team1ban1= Kalista|team1ban2= Shen|team1ban3= Ziggs|team1ban4= Camille|team1ban5= Lucian
|blue1={{MatchRecapS8/Player|link= Szygenda |champion= Gnar |kills= 2 |deaths= 1 |assists= 9 |gold= 11799 |cs= 245 |visionscore= 34 |damagetochamps= 18052 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |keystone= Grasp of the Undying |secondary= Domination |trinket= Warding Totem (Trinket) |pentakills= 0 |item1= |item2= Randuin's Omen|item3= Wit's End|item4= Black Cleaver|item5= |item6= Ninja Tabi
|runes={{Scoreboard/Player/Runes|Grasp of the Undying,Demolish,Bone Plating,Overgrowth,Taste of Blood,Ravenous Hunter,AttackSpeed,Adaptive,MagicRes}}}}
|blue2={{MatchRecapS8/Player|link= Zanzarah |champion= Skarner |kills= 0 |deaths= 2 |assists= 15 |gold= 9418 |cs= 158 |visionscore= 40 |damagetochamps= 5029 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Smite |keystone= Phase Rush |secondary= Inspiration |trinket= Oracle Lens |pentakills= 0 |item1= Locket of the Iron Solari|item2= Control Ward|item3= Mercury's Treads|item4= Giant's Belt|item5= Stalker's Blade - Cinderhulk|item6= Chain Vest
|runes={{Scoreboard/Player/Runes|Phase Rush,Nimbus Cloak,Celerity,Waterwalking,Hextech Flashtraption,Approach Velocity,AttackSpeed,Adaptive,Armor}}}}
|blue3={{MatchRecapS8/Player|link= Czekolad |champion= Sylas |kills= 13 |deaths= 5 |assists= 6 |gold= 13920 |cs= 200 |visionscore= 25 |damagetochamps= 21505 |summonerspell1= Teleport |summonerspell2= Flash |keystone= Conqueror |secondary= Inspiration |trinket= Farsight Alteration |pentakills= 1 |pentakillvod= |item1= Hextech Protobelt-01|item2= Zhonya's Hourglass|item3= Control Ward|item4= Dark Seal|item5= Sorcerer's Shoes|item6= Morellonomicon
|runes={{Scoreboard/Player/Runes|Conqueror,Presence of Mind,Legend: Tenacity,Last Stand,Biscuit Delivery,Cosmic Insight,CDRScaling,Adaptive,MagicRes}}}}
|blue4={{MatchRecapS8/Player|link= Woolite |champion= Ezreal |kills= 5 |deaths= 4 |assists= 10 |gold= 13800 |cs= 258 |visionscore= 30 |damagetochamps= 24801 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |keystone= Conqueror |secondary= Inspiration |trinket= Farsight Alteration |pentakills= 0 |item1= Ionian Boots of Lucidity|item2= Muramana|item3= Death's Dance|item4= Mortal Reminder|item5= Iceborn Gauntlet|item6= Control Ward
|runes={{Scoreboard/Player/Runes|Conqueror,Presence of Mind,Legend: Bloodline,Cut Down,Biscuit Delivery,Cosmic Insight,AttackSpeed,Adaptive,Armor}}}}
|blue5={{MatchRecapS8/Player|link= Trymbi |champion= Rakan |kills= 1 |deaths= 0 |assists= 19 |gold= 8327 |cs= 43 |visionscore= 88 |damagetochamps= 5521 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |keystone= Guardian |secondary= Precision |trinket= Oracle Lens |pentakills= 0 |item1= Zeke's Convergence|item2= Shurelya's Reverie|item3= Bulwark of the Mountain|item4= Control Ward|item5= Mercury's Treads|item6= Forbidden Idol
|runes={{Scoreboard/Player/Runes|Guardian,Shield Bash,Bone Plating,Unflinching,Presence of Mind,Legend: Tenacity,Adaptive,MagicRes,Armor}}}}
|team2= mousesports |team2g= 48550 |team2k= 12 |team2d= 1 |team2b= 0 |team2t= 2 |team2rh= 1 |team2i= 0 |team2cloud= 0 |team2infernal= 1 |team2mountain= 0 |team2ocean= 0 |team2elder= 0 |team2ban1= Caitlyn|team2ban2= Orianna|team2ban3= Akali|team2ban4= Renekton|team2ban5= Gangplank
|red1={{MatchRecapS8/Player|link= Tolkin |champion= Mordekaiser |kills= 3 |deaths= 4 |assists= 1 |gold= 9613 |cs= 191 |visionscore= 23 |damagetochamps= 17661 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Teleport |keystone= Conqueror |secondary= Domination |trinket= Warding Totem (Trinket) |pentakills= 0 |item1= Liandry's Torment|item2= Nashor's Tooth|item3= Seeker's Armguard|item4= |item5= Control Ward|item6= Mercury's Treads
|runes={{Scoreboard/Player/Runes|Conqueror,Triumph,Legend: Tenacity,Last Stand,Taste of Blood,Ravenous Hunter,AttackSpeed,Adaptive,Armor}}}}
|red2={{MatchRecapS8/Player|link= Obsess |champion= Hecarim |kills= 0 |deaths= 5 |assists= 8 |gold= 8636 |cs= 156 |visionscore= 21 |damagetochamps= 6947 |summonerspell1= Smite |summonerspell2= Ghost |keystone= Phase Rush |secondary= Precision |trinket= Oracle Lens |pentakills= 0 |item1= Stalker's Blade - Cinderhulk|item2= Boots of Speed|item3= Quicksilver Sash|item4= Control Ward|item5= Trinity Force|item6=
|runes={{Scoreboard/Player/Runes|Phase Rush,Nimbus Cloak,Celerity,Waterwalking,Presence of Mind,Legend: Tenacity,AttackSpeed,Adaptive,Armor}}}}
|red3={{MatchRecapS8/Player|link= LIDER |champion= Kassadin |kills= 5 |deaths= 4 |assists= 6 |gold= 12501 |cs= 247 |visionscore= 27 |damagetochamps= 20404 |summonerspell1= Barrier |summonerspell2= Flash |keystone= Conqueror |secondary= Domination |trinket= Farsight Alteration |pentakills= 0 |item1= Haunting Guise|item2= Mercury's Treads|item3= Seraph's Embrace|item4= Bramble Vest|item5= Frozen Heart|item6= Giant's Belt
|runes={{Scoreboard/Player/Runes|Conqueror,Presence of Mind,Legend: Tenacity,Coup de Grace,Sudden Impact,Ultimate Hunter,Adaptive,MagicRes,MagicRes}}}}
|red4={{MatchRecapS8/Player|link= Jeskla |champion= Senna |kills= 2 |deaths= 3 |assists= 7 |gold= 10805 |cs= 233 |visionscore= 38 |damagetochamps= 16153 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Heal |keystone= Glacial Augment |secondary= Precision |trinket= Farsight Alteration |pentakills= 0 |item1= Long Sword|item2= Muramana|item3= Boots of Swiftness|item4= Edge of Night|item5= Rapid Firecannon|item6= Long Sword
|runes={{Scoreboard/Player/Runes|Glacial Augment,Magical Footwear,Biscuit Delivery,Approach Velocity,Cut Down,Presence of Mind,Adaptive,Adaptive,Armor}}}}
|red5={{MatchRecapS8/Player|link= promisq |champion= Galio |kills= 2 |deaths= 5 |assists= 6 |gold= 6995 |cs= 46 |visionscore= 61 |damagetochamps= 9668 |summonerspell1= Flash |summonerspell2= Ignite |keystone= Aftershock |secondary= Inspiration |trinket= Oracle Lens |pentakills= 0 |item1= Shurelya's Reverie|item2= Gargoyle Stoneplate|item3= Boots of Swiftness|item4= Bulwark of the Mountain|item5= Control Ward|item6=
|runes={{Scoreboard/Player/Runes|Aftershock,Demolish,Bone Plating,Unflinching,Cosmic Insight,Hextech Flashtraption,Adaptive,Adaptive,Armor}}}}

Revision as of 19:42, 19 September 2020


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