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Item was removed in Patch 5.22.
Ranger's Trailblazer
Ranger's Trailblazer
+ Goldcurrency 30 bonus gold on large monster kill.
UNIQUE - Blasting Smite: Upgrades your Smite Smite to Blasting Smite Blasting Smite. Blasting Smite deals 50% splash damage to all surrounding minions and monsters and stuns all damaged units for 1.5 seconds. If cast on a monster, you will also restore 15% of your missing health and mana.
UNIQUE - Jungler: Deal 45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana per second while in combat with monsters.
Additional Information
LimitationsLimited to 1 Jungle item.
Can only purchase if you have Smite.
Map AvailabilitySR, TR
ItemSquareHunter's Machete + 450 Goldcurrency
Total Cost: 850 Goldcurrency
Sold For: 595 Goldcurrency
Builds Into
ItemSquareRanger's Trailblazer - Devourer ItemSquareRanger's Trailblazer - Cinderhulk ItemSquareRanger's Trailblazer - Runeglaive ItemSquareRanger's Trailblazer - Warrior


  • This enchantment was removed because it gave junglers too much clearing power and sustain in the jungle. While this item was intended to be used by weaker junglers which had clearing issues or which would lose too much health or mana when farming monsters, it was actually used by the stronger, dominant junglers, to have even better jungle clearing. Due to that, this enchantment was overshadowing the other enchantments in high elo and pro play.


Ranger's Trailblazer Old Ranger's Trailblazer - Devourer Ranger's Trailblazer - Cinderhulk Ranger's Trailblazer - Runeglaive Ranger's Trailblazer - Sated Devourer Ranger's Trailblazer - Warrior

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Patch History[]


on to the big heart of gold in the sky

Dearly beloved, friends, invocadores - we are gathered here today not to mourn the past, but to celebrate new strategies, new seasons, and new beginnings. While the items below, some of whom we've shared both victory and defeat, won't be moving on into that new age with us, we must remember them for who they were, letting them live on in our memories (even if we didn't let them into our inventories).

While not all of the below items were unsuccessful in the way you might expect, many were often restrictive, incomplete, or otherwise not very well supported, limiting design spaces for us to work. Others simply weren't worth the effort. We'll be covering some of the specifics below, but let's all take one last moment of silence before we commit them to the past. More important than providing us stats or building into other items - you built into our hearts.

Later, buddies.

On a more serious note, let's talk at-large about some items that might not be real threats to game balance (see: Sword of the Occult) but are still being removed. The answer is two-fold: design trust, and design clutter.

Design trust refers to an item sufficiently fulfilling its intended role. When a player sees X item, they should be able to trust that said item is cost-efficient and can fulfill its expectations. Some items in League just fall to the wayside (like Ohmwrecker. Every season.) and we try to cull the herd when possible (usually during preseason), but deliberately keeping an item undertuned so that it can remain fun but unbalanced is just not something we can uphold while still preserving a competitive game.

This leads to our next point about design clutter. Some items fulfill very niche roles in League and may not actually be undertuned to a very small subset of champions. In these cases we're careful to assess the individual impact of removing said item before taking action. You might have seen this with the removal of the Magus enchantment, where we had to think hard if jungle Fiddlesticks was truly going to be useless without his finely-tuned enchantment (we came to the conclusion of no). Niche items that tie themselves so closely to a champion's balance do end up skewing that champion to being dependent on the item to function, and can often ‘hide' real design problems that we can't get to.

v5.2 All tier 2 jungle items have been increased by 100 gold, all tier 3 jungle item enchantments have been reduced by 100 gold.'

"Thus far, jungle items have gotten a little snowbally - particularly for those who can snag a few kills on an early invade to get their upgraded Smite before camps have even spawned."
  • ALL TIER 2 JUNGLE ITEMS : 350 gold 450 gold
  • ALL TIER 3 JUNGLE ENCHANTMENTS : Costs for all tier 3 jungle enchantments have been reduced by 100 gold


"See above!"
  • BONUS GOLD ON MONSTER KILL : 20 bonus gold 30 bonus gold

Ranger's Trailblazer no longer reduces Smite's cooldown.

"The goal of Ranger's Trailblazer was to either help a jungler double-down on their farming or help them get out of the dumpster when their teammate accidentally steals the first camp (or buff!). Unfortunately, reducing Smite's cooldown creates the wrong incentive as it gives all of the above advantages to junglers who are ahead while also letting them counterjungle and gank more by stealing enemy jungle buffs. "
  • [REMOVED] SMITEY REDUCTIONS : No longer reduces Smite cooldown by 15 seconds

Ranger's Trailblazer Ranger's Trailblazer (NEW)

  • RECIPE  : Hunter's Machete + 350 gold
  • PASSIVE - BLASTING SMITE : The cooldown of Smite is reduced by 15 seconds. Smite also deals half damage to all monsters and enemy minions near the target and stuns them for 1.5 seconds. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing health and mana.
  • PASSIVE - JUNGLER : Deal 45 magic damage on hit to monsters over 2 seconds and gain 10 health and 5 mana per second while in combat with monsters
