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Latin America Cup 2014
Copa LatinAm logo
Tournament Information
OrganizerRiot Games
Location & Dates
Latin America
Event TypeOnline/Offline
Start Date2014-02-02
End Date2014-11-22
Social Media & Links
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The Riot Latin America Cup 2014 is the name shared by the common tournaments between the Circuit of Legends (Spanish: Circuito de Leyendas), National Leagues (Spanish: Ligas Nacionales), and Competitive Stops (Spanish: Paradas Competitivas) of the LAN and LAS servers in the 2014 Season. These tournaments culminate in the Grand Finals.


The Latin America Cup is the product of the various Riot sponsored tournaments in Latin America in the 2014 season. The 2014 season is divided into three Sets. In each Set there are four different National League tournaments, a Circuit of Legends play-in tournament, a Super Week, and then a Competitive Stop. The top six teams in LAN and LAS are awarded Season Points at each Super Week/Competitive Stop. At the end of each of the three Competitive Stops for the 2014 Season, the four teams with the highest net Season Point totals advance to the Grand Finals in Mexico City.


National Leagues[]

The National Leagues are divided up regionally. Two National Leagues are from LAN: Mexico and Colombia. The other two National Leagues are from LAS: Argentina and Chile. Each National League is run independently by national tournament organizers, and serves as a feeder for the Quadrangular at the end of each Set.


The Latin America North server (LAN) has two National Leagues:

  • The Mexican National League, sponsored by Esports Latin America.
  • The Colombian National League, sponsored by GG Colombia.


The Latin America South server (LAS) has two National Leagues:

  • The Argentine National League, sponsored by Yuisy.
  • The Chilean National League, sponsored by Liga Samsung.


Following the end of each Set of the season, Riot Games sponsors a Quadrangular, where the top four teams from the National Leagues (Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and Chile) compete. There is one Quadrangular per region, in which the top four teams in each region play against each other in a best-of-one double round-robin format. The top team from each Quadrangular gets to compete in the Set's Super Week against that Set's Circuit of Legends champions, with the top four teams advancing to that Set's Competitive Stop.

Circuit of Legends[]

The Circuit of Legends is a monthly competition run by Riot Games. It is an invitational, where the top 16 ranked 5v5 teams on each server (LAS and LAN) are invited each week to compete against each other. Based on their scores, the top four teams qualify for a monthly final.


Each Month, the Circuit of Legends awards $ 3,000 USD (Approximately $2,340 EUR) spread amongst the teams as follows:

1$ 1.400
2$ 1.000
3-4$ 300

Competitive Stop Qualification[]

In addition to winning the monthly Prizes, Circuit of Legends champions for the months of March, June, and August/September qualify for the Super Week leading into that Set's respective Competitive Stop. This means the champions of the March Circuit of Legends (one for LAS and one from LAN) would receive the $1,400 prize, as well as a spot in the Chilean Super Week. The champions of the June Circuit of Legends would win the prize and a spot in the Argentine Super Week, and the champions of the August/September Circuit of Legends would win the prize and a spot in the Colombian Super Week.

Super Week[]

The week prior to a Competitive Stop, a Super Week happens with the winners of the Set's Quadrangular and the champions of that Set's Circuit of Legends. Four teams in the Super Week are the champions of their National League's Quadrangular (a champion from Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and Chile, respectively). Two teams are Circuit of Legends champions for that Set (one champion from LAN, and one champion from LAS. The six teams compete against each other in a best-of-one double round-robin format, and the top four teams advance to that Set's Competitive Stop. The bottom two teams receive the 5th and 6th place Season Points and prize money for that particular Competitive Stop, but do not travel to the Competitive Stop to compete.

Competitive Stops[]

The top four teams from each Set's Super Week go on to compete in that Set's Competitive Stop. There, the teams face off in a single-elimination, best-of-three bracket. The winner receives the first place Season Point value and prize money for that Competitive Stop, the second place team receives the second place Season Point value and prize money for the stop, etc. The fifth and six place teams, having fallen out at the super week stage, receive the same Season Point value and prize money. There are three competitive stops: Chile, Argentina, and Colombia.

After the three Competitive Stops, the four teams with the highest aggregate Competitive Points move on to compete in the Grand Finals.


At each Competitive Stop, Riot Games awards $ 40,000 USD (Approximately $29,371 EUR) spread amongst the teams as follows:

1400 points$ 17.000
2200 points$ 9.000
3150 points$ 6.000
4100 points$ 4.000
5-670 points$ 2.000

See Also[]

External Links[]

Riot Games - Copa Latinoamérica (Spanish)

