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Patch Notes v1.0.0.147

PVP.net 1.67

  • Players may now create up to 20 mastery pages, up from 10.

New Content

SyndraSquareSyndra, the Dark Sovereign

  • Transcendent (Passive) - Spells gain extra effects at max rank
    • Dark Sphere - Deals bonus damage to champions
    • Force of Will - Increases slowing duration
    • Scatter the Weak - Spell width increased
  • Dark Sphere - Syndra conjures a Dark Sphere dealing magic damage. The sphere remains and can be manipulated by her other powers.
  • Force of Will - Syndra picks up and throws a minion or Dark Sphere dealing magic damage and slowing the movement speed of enemies.
  • Scatter the Weak - Syndra knocks enemies and Dark Spheres back dealing magic damage. Enemies hit by Dark Spheres become stunned.
  • Unleashed Power - Syndra bombards an enemy Champion with all of her Dark Spheres.

Champion Changes


  • Riot Graves is now properly flagged as having sunglasses

Spectator Mode

  • Spectators can now rearrange the display positions of any player on the scoreboard in the bottom-center of the screen by dragging that player’s bar.
  • The scoreboard has been rearranged for easier team comparisons:
    • Champion portraits have been moved to the center of the scoreboard, with minion kills immediately adjacent.
    • Items are now automatically sorted to display more expensive items toward the center of the scoreboard.
  • While drag-scrolling (default: middle mouse click + drag), the camera will now wait to move until the player drags the mouse, rather than automatically moving in the direction of the initial click.
    • E.g. if a player middle-clicks the right side of the screen, the camera will no longer automatically move to the right. Instead, it will move based on where the player drags the mouse.
      • Max scroll speed remains the same and caps out at a drag length equal to the distance between the center and edge of the screen.
    • The mouse cursor will now disappear while drag-scrolling.

Co-Op vs AI

  • Increased the variance in team composition makeups for Coop vs AI


  • The time window for multikills has been increased to 10 seconds from the previous kills as opposed to 8

September 18th - World Championship Hotfix

In the upcoming hotfix, we'll be releasing the final balance changes which will set the stage for the Season 2 World Championship next month. Watch the World Championship Hotfix Overview to learn more about the changes to YorickSquareYorick, VladimirSquareVladimir, CaitlynSquareCaitlyn, Miss FortuneSquareMiss Fortune, ZiggsSquareZiggs, RengarSquareRengar, and the Tribunal !

Champion Changes


  • Fixed a bug where Glacial Storm's slow was stacking with Flash Frost


  • Piltover Peacemaker
    • Damage falloff per subsequent target reduced to 10% from 15%
    • Minimum damage increased to 50% from 40%
  • 90 Caliber Net can no longer be cast while rooted


  • Bulwark is now castable during Idol of Durand


  • Bladesurge no longer fails to refresh or grant mana return when killing certain enemies


  • Thundering Blow mana cost increased to 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 from 40 at all ranks


  • Sapling Toss explosion particle can no longer be seen through fog of war

Miss FortuneSquareMiss Fortune

  • Strut
    • Out-of-combat activation time reduced to 5 seconds from 7
    • Ramp-up time to reach max speed reduced to 5 seconds from 13
  • Bullet Time
    • Windup time significantly reduced
    • Mana cost reduced to 100 from 150


  • Cougar form attack range increased to 125 from 100


  • Rengar can no longer speak his VO lines when he is dead
  • Unseen Predator
    • After leaping, Rengar will now immediately attack the target if it is a Champion
    • Jumping between targets is now smoother
    • Now correctly shows up in death recap
  • Savagery
    • Damage increased to 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 from 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130
    • The attack speed bonus now applies to his first attack after activation
  • Battle Roar
    • No longer has a cast time (can be cast while moving)
    • Ability power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 1.0
    • Rengar no longer loses his attack command after using Battle Roar
  • Bola Strike
  • Thrill of the Hunt
    • Movement speed bonus increased to 20 / 25 / 30% from 10 / 15 / 20%


  • Base movement speed increased to 305 from 300


  • Tides of Blood damage reduced to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180


  • Crushing Blow now grants an additional 125 attack range for the attack
  • Fixed a bug with Crushing Blow that would cause it to cancel when chasing an enemy


  • Locus of Power can now be cast while rooted


  • Ghoul base movement speed at level 1 reduced to 300 from 350 (Ghouls gain movement speed as Yorick levels and will reach the same max movement speed as before by level 12)
  • Ghouls no longer block pathing for enemies
  • Omen of Pestilence mana cost increased to 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60


  • Satchel Charge
    • Knockback range on Ziggs has increased
    • Knockup height on enemies has increased
  • Mega Inferno Bomb secondary damage increased to 80% from 75%


  • Blessing of the Lizard Elder damage now displays properly in death recap
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