Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki
Player Team Champion Position Runes Tree Runes Subtree Keystone Rune 1 Rune 2 Rune 3 Rune 4 Rune 5 Game ID
pvpstejos GMB Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 510211
diamondprox GMB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Iron Skin Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510211
kira GMB Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 510211
blasting GMB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 510211
edward GMB Morgana Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body Revitalize Iron Skin 510211
smurf M19 Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 510211
kreox M19 Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510211
nomanz M19 Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 510211
vincentvega M19 Xayah ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 510211
santаs M19 Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Revitalize 510211
dark solece VAE Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Conditioning Revitalize 510244
ippon VAE Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510244
lukezy VAE Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 510244
lex VAE Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510244
dimonko VAE Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Conditioning Second Wind 510244
nonholy VEG Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 510244
punisher VEG Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510244
paranoia VEG Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 510244
optimas VEG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 510244
skash VEG Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510244
atom TJ Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 510252
taikki TJ Camille Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 510252
phlaty TJ Twisted Fate Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 510252
kinzu TJ Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 510252
lekcycc TJ Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 510252
riddem ROX Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 510252
zanzarah ROX Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510252
ekka ROX LeBlanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Scorch 510252
gadget ROX Varus ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 510252
wendelbo ROX Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 510252
boss DA Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 510268
cboi DA Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510268
xpriskornet DA Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Coup de Grace Presence of Mind 510268
pooh DA Ashe ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510268
jestkui max DA Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 510268
nonholy VEG Jax Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Iron Skin Second Wind 510268
punisher VEG Nunu Jungle Resolve Precision Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity 510268
paranoia VEG Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 510268
optimas VEG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 510268
skash VEG Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 510268
aoi haru EPG Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Second Wind The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 510302
gumbo EPG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510302
drobovik123 EPG Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 510302
shiganari EPG Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510302
archie2b EPG Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 510302
dark solece VAE Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Conditioning Second Wind 510302
ippon VAE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 510302
lukezy VAE Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Nullifying Orb Transcendence 510302
lex VAE Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510302
dimonko VAE Nami Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 510302
atom TJ Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 510317
taikki TJ Nunu Jungle Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Waterwalking Font of Life Revitalize 510317
phlaty TJ Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 510317
kinzu TJ Varus ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Bloodline 510317
lekcycc TJ Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Conditioning Second Wind 510317
boss DA Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Celerity Waterwalking Mirror Shell Second Wind 510317
cboi DA Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 510317
xpriskornet DA Orianna Mid Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Gathering Storm Mirror Shell Second Wind 510317
pooh DA Sivir ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Cut Down 510317
jestkui max DA Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 510317
nonholy VEG Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 520311
punisher VEG Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520311
paranoia VEG Taliyah Mid Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 520311
optimas VEG Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 520311
skash VEG Janna Support Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 520311
aoi haru EPG Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Mirror Shell Second Wind 520311
gumbo EPG Camille Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520311
drobovik123 EPG Corki Mid Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Mirror Shell Second Wind 520311
shiganari EPG Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520311
archie2b EPG Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 520311
riddem ROX Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 520320
zanzarah ROX Skarner Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 520320
ekka ROX Azir Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 520320
gadget ROX Varus ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 520320
wendelbo ROX Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 520320
boss DA Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 520320
cboi DA Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 520320
xpriskornet DA Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 520320
pooh DA Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520320
jestkui max DA Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 520320
aoi haru EPG Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 520334
gumbo EPG Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520334
drobovik123 EPG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 520334
shiganari EPG Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520334
archie2b EPG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing 520334
smurf M19 Gangplank Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Transcendence Gathering Storm 520334
kreox M19 Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520334
nomanz M19 Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 520334
vincentvega M19 Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520334
santаs M19 Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Revitalize 520334
riddem ROX Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 520349
zanzarah ROX Skarner Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 520349
ekka ROX LeBlanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Scorch Celerity 520349
gadget ROX Varus ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 520349
wendelbo ROX Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 520349
pvpstejos GMB Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Conditioning Overgrowth 520349
diamondprox GMB Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Iron Skin Overgrowth 520349
kira GMB Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 520349
blasting GMB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 520349
edward GMB Janna Support Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 520349
dark solece VAE Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 520373
ippon VAE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 520373
lukezy VAE Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 520373
lex VAE Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 520373
dimonko VAE Nami Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520373
smurf M19 Illaoi Top Inspiration Domination Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Ravenous Hunter Sudden Impact 520373
kreox M19 Skarner Jungle Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 520373
nomanz M19 Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 520373
vincentvega M19 Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520373
santаs M19 Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Iron Skin Second Wind 520373
pvpstejos GMB Maokai Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Unflinching Conditioning Second Wind Manaflow Band Celerity 520383
diamondprox GMB Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520383
kira GMB Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 520383
blasting GMB Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520383
edward GMB Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body Revitalize Iron Skin 520383
atom TJ Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Conditioning Second Wind 520383
taikki TJ Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 520383
phlaty TJ Galio Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Relentless Hunter Celerity Gathering Storm 520383
kinzu TJ Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 520383
lekcycc TJ Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 520383
aoi haru EPG Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 540108
gumbo EPG Nunu Jungle Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Revitalize Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear 540108
drobovik123 EPG Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 540108
shiganari EPG Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 540108
archie2b EPG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 540108
riddem ROX Kled Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Transcendence Gathering Storm 540108
zanzarah ROX Skarner Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Celerity Waterwalking 540108
ekka ROX Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 540108
gadget ROX Varus ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 540108
wendelbo ROX Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 540108
nonholy VEG Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 540127
punisher VEG Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540127
paranoia VEG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 540127
optimas VEG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 540127
skash VEG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 540127
smurf M19 Jayce Top Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 540127
kreox M19 Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 540127
nomanz M19 Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 540127
vincentvega M19 Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 540127
santаs M19 Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Celestial Body Iron Skin Second Wind 540127
riddem ROX Kled Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Transcendence Gathering Storm 540135
zanzarah ROX Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Celestial Body 540135
ekka ROX Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Nullifying Orb Celerity 540135
gadget ROX Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 540135
wendelbo ROX Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 540135
dark solece VAE Vladimir Top Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 540135
ippon VAE Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Triumph Legend: Tenacity 540135
lukezy VAE Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 540135
lex VAE Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 540135
dimonko VAE Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 540135
pvpstejos GMB Fiora Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 540149
diamondprox GMB Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 540149
kira GMB Galio Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Relentless Hunter Transcendence Gathering Storm 540149
blasting GMB Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Future's Market 540149
edward GMB Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 540149
nonholy VEG Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Iron Skin Second Wind 540149
punisher VEG Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540149
paranoia VEG Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 540149
optimas VEG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 540149
skash VEG Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 540149
dark solece VAE Jax Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 540164
ippon VAE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Gathering Storm Celerity 540164
lukezy VAE Azir Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Transcendence Gathering Storm Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 540164
lex VAE Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 540164
dimonko VAE Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing 540164
atom TJ Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 540164
taikki TJ Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Legend: Alacrity Triumph 540164
phlaty TJ Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 540164
kinzu TJ Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 540164
lekcycc TJ Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 540164
pvpstejos GMB Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Conditioning Overgrowth 540180
diamondprox GMB Skarner Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Overgrowth Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540180
kira GMB Xerath Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 540180
blasting GMB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 540180
edward GMB Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Conditioning Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 540180
boss DA Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 540180
cboi DA Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Alacrity 540180
xpriskornet DA Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Gathering Storm Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 540180
pooh DA Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 540180
jestkui max DA Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Conditioning Second Wind 540180
atom TJ Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 540203
taikki TJ Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Waterwalking Celerity 540203
phlaty TJ Galio Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Relentless Hunter Manaflow Band Transcendence 540203
kinzu TJ Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 540203
lekcycc TJ Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 540203
nonholy VEG Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Mirror Shell Second Wind 540203
punisher VEG Nunu Jungle Resolve Precision Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity 540203
paranoia VEG Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 540203
optimas VEG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 540203
skash VEG Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 540203
riddem ROX Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 540206
zanzarah ROX Skarner Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Celerity Waterwalking 540206
ekka ROX Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Scorch Nullifying Orb 540206
gadget ROX Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 540206
wendelbo ROX Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 540206
smurf M19 Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Iron Skin Second Wind 540206
kreox M19 Nidalee Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 540206
nomanz M19 Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 540206
vincentvega M19 Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 540206
santаs M19 Bard Support Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Celestial Body 540206
aoi haru EPG Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 540217
gumbo EPG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing 540217
drobovik123 EPG Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 540217
shiganari EPG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 540217
archie2b EPG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 540217
atom TJ Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 540217
taikki TJ Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Waterwalking Celerity 540217
phlaty TJ Galio Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Relentless Hunter Transcendence Gathering Storm 540217
kinzu TJ Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 540217
lekcycc TJ Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 540217
smurf M19 Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 540235
kreox M19 Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 540235
nomanz M19 Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 540235
vincentvega M19 Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 540235
santаs M19 Shen Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Celestial Body Perfect Timing 540235
boss DA Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 540235
cboi DA Skarner Jungle Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540235
xpriskornet DA Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 540235
pooh DA Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 540235
jestkui max DA Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Future's Market 540235
pvpstejos GMB Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Conditioning Second Wind 540246
diamondprox GMB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Overgrowth Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540246
kira GMB Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Transcendence 540246
blasting GMB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 540246
edward GMB Brand Support Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 540246
aoi haru EPG Malphite Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 540246
gumbo EPG Skarner Jungle Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540246
drobovik123 EPG Viktor Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Transcendence 540246
shiganari EPG Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 540246
archie2b EPG Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Mirror Shell Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity 540246
dark solece VAE Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 540263
ippon VAE Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Waterwalking Celerity 540263
lukezy VAE Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 540263
lex VAE Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 540263
dimonko VAE Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing 540263
boss DA Illaoi Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Sudden Impact Ravenous Hunter 540263
cboi DA Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity 540263
xpriskornet DA Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 540263
pooh DA Sivir ADC Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Mirror Shell Second Wind 540263
jestkui max DA Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Mirror Shell Second Wind 540263
boss DA Fiora Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Second Wind Demolish 540390
cboi DA Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Tenacity 540390
xpriskornet DA Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 540390
pooh DA Sivir ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 540390
jestkui max DA Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Conditioning Second Wind 540390
aoi haru EPG Maokai Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 540390
ahahacik EPG Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 540390
drobovik123 EPG Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 540390
shiganari EPG Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 540390
archie2b EPG Zilean Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 540390
riddem ROX Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Conditioning Second Wind 540397
zanzarah ROX Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Triumph Legend: Alacrity 540397
ekka ROX Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 540397
gadget ROX Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 540397
wendelbo ROX Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 540397
nonholy VEG Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Conditioning Second Wind 540397
punisher VEG Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 540397
paranoia VEG Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 540397
optimas VEG Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 540397
skash VEG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 540397
smurf M19 Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 540410
kreox M19 Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 540410
nomanz M19 Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 540410
vincentvega M19 Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 540410
santаs M19 Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Iron Skin Second Wind 540410
aoi haru EPG Illaoi Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 540410
ahahacik EPG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 540410
drobovik123 EPG Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 540410
shiganari EPG Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 540410
archie2b EPG Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 540410
nonholy VEG Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 540437
punisher VEG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Triumph Legend: Alacrity 540437
paranoia VEG Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 540437
optimas VEG Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 540437
skash VEG Shen Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Second Wind Conditioning 540437
dark solece VAE Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 540437
ippon VAE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Gathering Storm 540437
lukezy VAE LeBlanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Transcendence Scorch 540437
lex VAE Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 540437
dimonko VAE Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 540437
atom TJ Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 540452
taikki TJ Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity The Ultimate Hat 540452
phlaty TJ Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 540452
kinzu TJ Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 540452
lekcycc TJ Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Conditioning Second Wind 540452
smurf M19 Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 540452
kreox M19 Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 540452
nomanz M19 Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 540452
vincentvega M19 Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 540452
santаs M19 Shen Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Celestial Body Magical Footwear 540452
dark solece VAE Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Conditioning Second Wind 540469
ippon VAE Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 540469
lukezy VAE Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 540469
lex VAE Sivir ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 540469
dimonko VAE Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 540469
pvpstejos GMB Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Second Wind Conditioning 540469
diamondprox GMB Zac Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Unflinching Iron Skin Overgrowth Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 540469
kira GMB Anivia Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 540469
blasting GMB Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 540469
edward GMB Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 540469
boss DA Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Iron Skin Second Wind 530535
cboi DA Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 530535
xpriskornet DA Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530535
pooh DA Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 530535
jestkui max DA Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 530535
riddem ROX Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530535
zanzarah ROX Poppy Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Approach Velocity 530535
ekka ROX Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 530535
gadget ROX Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 530535
wendelbo ROX Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 530535
aoi haru EPG Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 530547
ahahacik EPG Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 530547
drobovik123 EPG Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm The Ultimate Hat 530547
shiganari EPG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 530547
archie2b EPG Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Unflinching Conditioning 530547
nonholy VEG Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 530547
punisher VEG Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 530547
paranoia VEG Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 530547
optimas VEG Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530547
skash VEG Shen Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 530547
pvpstejos GMB Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Second Wind Conditioning 530553
diamondprox GMB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Unflinching Iron Skin Overgrowth Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 530553
kira GMB Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 530553
blasting GMB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 530553
edward GMB Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Unflinching Second Wind 530553
riddem ROX Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530553
zanzarah ROX Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 530553
ekka ROX Viktor Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530553
gadget ROX Varus ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 530553
wendelbo ROX Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 530553
boss DA Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 530574
cboi DA Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 530574
xpriskornet DA Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 530574
pooh DA Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 530574
jestkui max DA Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Iron Skin Second Wind 530574
atom TJ Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 530574
taikki TJ Trundle Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 530574
phlaty TJ Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 530574
kinzu TJ Vayne ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 530574
lekcycc TJ Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing 530574
smurf M19 Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 530587
kreox M19 Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 530587
nomanz M19 Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 530587
vincentvega M19 Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 530587
santаs M19 Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Celestial Body Iron Skin Second Wind 530587
dark solece VAE Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Second Wind The Ultimate Hat Scorch 530587
ippon VAE Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 530587
lukezy VAE Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 530587
lex VAE Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 530587
dimonko VAE Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 530587
atom TJ Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530599
taikki TJ Trundle Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 530599
phlaty TJ Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 530599
kinzu TJ Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 530599
lekcycc TJ Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing 530599
pvpstejos GMB Poppy Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Unflinching Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Celestial Body 530599
diamondprox GMB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Unflinching Iron Skin Overgrowth Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 530599
kira GMB Anivia Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 530599
blasting GMB Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 530599
edward GMB Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Unflinching Iron Skin 530599
nonholy VEG Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Triumph 550091
punisher VEG Trundle Jungle Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Conditioning 550091
paranoia VEG Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 550091
optimas VEG Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550091
skash VEG Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 550091
pvpstejos GMB Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Overgrowth Conditioning 550091
diamondprox GMB Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Scorch 550091
kira GMB Ziggs Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 550091
blasting GMB Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550091
edward GMB Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Conditioning Font of Life 550091
atom TJ Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Second Wind Bone Plating 550096
taikki TJ Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550096
phlaty TJ Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 550096
kinzu TJ Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 550096
lekcycc TJ Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Conditioning 550096
aoi haru EPG Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Iron Skin 550096
ahahacik EPG Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550096
drobovik123 EPG Syndra Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic 550096
shiganari EPG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550096
archie2b EPG Shen Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 550096
boss DA Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 550106
cboi DA Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550106
xpriskornet DA Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550106
pooh DA Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 550106
jestkui max DA Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 550106
pvpstejos GMB Fiora Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Second Wind Overgrowth 550106
diamondprox GMB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 550106
kira GMB Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Transcendence Gathering Storm 550106
blasting GMB Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550106
edward GMB Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic 550106
smurf M19 Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550122
kreox M19 Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550122
nomanz M19 Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 550122
vincentvega M19 Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 550122
santаs M19 Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Cosmic Insight Minion Dematerializer 550122
nonholy VEG Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic 550122
punisher VEG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550122
paranoia VEG Sion Mid Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 550122
optimas VEG Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550122
skash VEG Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Revitalize Bone Plating 550122
dark solece VAE Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Second Wind Bone Plating 550129
ippon VAE Jax Jungle Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Conditioning Bone Plating 550129
lukezy VAE Ziggs Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 550129
lex VAE Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 550129
dimonko VAE Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Second Wind Unflinching Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 550129
riddem ROX Cho'Gath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 550129
zanzarah ROX Warwick Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550129
ekka ROX Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 550129
gadget ROX Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 550129
wendelbo ROX Zilean Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 550129
boss DA Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Demolish Second Wind 550142
cboi DA Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Waterwalking Celerity 550142
xpriskornet DA Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 550142
pooh DA Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 550142
jestkui max DA Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Demolish Revitalize 550142
smurf M19 Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550142
kreox M19 Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550142
nomanz M19 Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 550142
vincentvega M19 Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 550142
santаs M19 Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Iron Skin Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 550142
pvpstejos GMB Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Conditioning Overgrowth 560189
diamondprox GMB Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560189
kira GMB Anivia Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Transcendence Gathering Storm 560189
blasting GMB Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 560189
edward GMB Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic 560189
dark solece VAE Maokai Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Manaflow Band Transcendence 560189
ippon VAE Warwick Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Triumph 560189
lukezy VAE Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 560189
lex VAE Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 560189
dimonko VAE Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 560189
aoi haru EPG Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Iron Skin 560203
ahahacik EPG Rek'Sai Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace 560203
drobovik123 EPG Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Time Warp Tonic Magical Footwear 560203
shiganari EPG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 560203
archie2b EPG Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Conditioning Bone Plating 560203
boss DA Fiora Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Second Wind 560203
cboi DA Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Waterwalking Celerity 560203
xpriskornet DA Anivia Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 560203
pooh DA Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 560203
jestkui max DA Shen Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 560203
smurf M19 Shen Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 560218
kreox M19 Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560218
nomanz M19 Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 560218
vincentvega M19 Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560218
santаs M19 Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 560218
riddem ROX Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Conditioning Bone Plating 560218
zanzarah ROX Poppy Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Approach Velocity 560218
ekka ROX LeBlanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Celerity Scorch 560218
gadget ROX Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560218
wendelbo ROX Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 560218
atom TJ Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 560238
taikki TJ Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 560238
phlaty TJ Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 560238
kinzu TJ Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560238
lekcycc TJ Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 560238
dark solece VAE Shen Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 560238
ippon VAE Kayn Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Legend: Tenacity Triumph 560238
lukezy VAE Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 560238
lex VAE Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 560238
dimonko VAE Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 560238
riddem ROX Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Conditioning 560253
zanzarah ROX Kayn Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560253
ekka ROX Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 560253
gadget ROX Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560253
wendelbo ROX Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 560253
aoi haru EPG Maokai Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 560253
ahahacik EPG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Unflinching Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace 560253
drobovik123 EPG Viktor Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Transcendence Gathering Storm 560253
shiganari EPG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 560253
archie2b EPG Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Minion Dematerializer 560253
nonholy VEG Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic 560256
punisher VEG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 560256
paranoia VEG Sion Mid Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 560256
optimas VEG Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 560256
skash VEG Janna Support Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter 560256
atom TJ Darius Top Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 560256
taikki TJ Camille Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Legend: Tenacity Triumph 560256
phlaty TJ Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 560256
kinzu TJ Varus ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 560256
lekcycc TJ Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 560256
dark solece VAE Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Second Wind Bone Plating 560378
ippon VAE Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560378
lukezy VAE Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 560378
lex VAE Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 560378
dimonko VAE Shen Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 560378
aoi haru EPG Poppy Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Time Warp Tonic Minion Dematerializer 560378
ahahacik EPG Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560378
drobovik123 EPG Ziggs Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 560378
shiganari EPG Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 560378
archie2b EPG Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Conditioning 560378
riddem ROX Cho'Gath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 560381
zanzarah ROX Warwick Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity 560381
ekka ROX Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Celerity Gathering Storm 560381
gadget ROX Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560381
wendelbo ROX Zilean Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 560381
atom TJ Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Mirror Shell Revitalize Manaflow Band Transcendence 560381
taikki TJ Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 560381
phlaty TJ Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560381
kinzu TJ Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 560381
lekcycc TJ Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Second Wind Unflinching 560381
smurf M19 Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 560393
kreox M19 Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560393
nomanz M19 Viktor Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560393
vincentvega M19 Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 560393
santаs M19 Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Cosmic Insight Minion Dematerializer 560393
pvpstejos GMB Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Conditioning Overgrowth 560393
diamondprox GMB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 560393
kira GMB Kassadin Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace The Ultimate Hat Gathering Storm 560393
lodik GMB Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 560393
edward GMB Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Conditioning 560393
nonholy VEG Trundle Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 560418
punisher VEG Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560418
paranoia VEG LeBlanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 560418
optimas VEG Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 560418
skash VEG Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Revitalize 560418
boss DA Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic 560418
cboi DA Warwick Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity 560418
xpriskornet DA Orianna Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Cut Down 560418
pooh DA Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 560418
jestkui max DA Morgana Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 560418
smurf M19 Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 550440
kreox M19 Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550440
nomanz M19 Kassadin Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Gathering Storm The Ultimate Hat 550440
vincentvega M19 Sivir ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 550440
santаs M19 Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 550440
atom TJ Cho'Gath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Mirror Shell Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 550440
taikki TJ Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550440
phlaty TJ Viktor Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 550440
kinzu TJ Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550440
lekcycc TJ Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Hextech Flashtraption 550440
boss DA Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Triumph 550442
cboi DA Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550442
xpriskornet DA Orianna Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 550442
pooh DA Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 550442
jestkui max DA Zilean Support Resolve Sorcery Guardian Font of Life Second Wind Revitalize Manaflow Band Transcendence 550442
dark solece VAE Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Revitalize 550442
ippon VAE Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550442
lukezy VAE Karthus Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 550442
lex VAE Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 550442
dimonko VAE Nami Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 550442
aoi haru EPG Camille Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Iron Skin Bone Plating 550453
ahahacik EPG Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 550453
drobovik123 EPG Ziggs Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 550453
shiganari EPG Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550453
archie2b EPG Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Conditioning Bone Plating 550453
pvpstejos GMB Gangplank Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Magical Footwear Time Warp Tonic 550453
diamondprox GMB Olaf Jungle Domination Resolve Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Bone Plating Iron Skin 550453
kira GMB Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550453
lodik GMB Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550453
edward GMB Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 550453
nonholy VEG Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Time Warp Tonic Minion Dematerializer 550470
punisher VEG Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550470
paranoia VEG Sion Mid Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 550470
optimas VEG Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550470
skash VEG Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic 550470
riddem ROX Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 550470
zanzarah ROX Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter The Ultimate Hat Celerity 550470
ekka ROX Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 550470
gadget ROX Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 550470
wendelbo ROX Zilean Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 550470
boss DA Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Mirror Shell Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Triumph 550479
cboi DA Camille Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550479
xpriskornet DA Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550479
pooh DA Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 550479
jestkui max DA Zilean Support Resolve Sorcery Guardian Font of Life Second Wind Revitalize Manaflow Band Transcendence 550479
atom TJ Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 550479
taikki TJ Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter The Ultimate Hat Celerity 550479
phlaty TJ Ekko Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Relentless Hunter Celerity Gathering Storm 550479
kinzu TJ Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550479
lekcycc TJ Janna Support Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 550479
pvpstejos GMB Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 550501
diamondprox GMB Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 550501
kira GMB Ryze Mid Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter 550501
lodik GMB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550501
edward GMB Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 550501
riddem ROX Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Conditioning 550501
zanzarah ROX Warwick Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550501
ekka ROX Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 550501
gadget ROX Varus ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 550501
wendelbo ROX Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 550501