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For full information on every type of monster, see here (takes you out of the New to League section). On the map, in between the lanes, is what is known as the jungle. In the jungle, there are several clusters of AI-controlled units that aren't affiliated with either team. Each such unit is known as a monster or neutral creep or jungle creep. Each cluster of monsters is known as a jungle camp or just camp. Two of the types of camps are special and are known as buffs because they grant the champion that kills them a major buff. There are also special effects associated with using the summoner spell Smite Smite on some creeps. Continue reading for more details. See here for locations of jungle camps.

Dividing the jungle is a river, and in the river there are a few more neutral creeps: Dragon, Baron, and Rift Scuttlers. Dragon and Baron are called objectives. Rift Scuttlers are in a class of their own.

All of the units in a camp will spawn at the same time, and the camp will not respawn until the camp has been cleared (i.e. all units that belong to the camp have been killed). The strategic value of different jungle camps varies greatly.

Image Gallery[]

  • Basic Camps: Camps
  • Buffs and Objectives: Camps
  • Buffs and Objectives: Buff Particle Effects
Gromp Image


Krugs Image


Wolves Image


Raptors Image


Red Buff (Camp) Image

Red Brambleback (Red Buff)

Blue Buff (Camp)

Blue Sentinel (Blue Buff)

Rift Scuttler Image

Rift Scuttler

Rift Herald Image

Rift Herald


Baron Nashor

Blue Buff

Blue Sentinel (Blue Buff)

Red Buff

Red Brambleback (Red Buff)

Elder Drake Buff

Elder Dragon Buff

Rift Herald Buff

Rift Herald Buff

Baron Buff

Baron Nashor Buff


Plants are destructible objectives on the map which provide immediate benefit to the player that attacks them. Plants can be used in a variety of ways, including taking them away from the enemy team by clearing them whenever they are available.

Blasting Cone

  • There are a total of 8 Blasting Cone plants that spawn on the map. Four Blasting Cone plants on each team's side of the map, two in each the Red and Blue buff jungle areas.
  • When autoattacked, if standing within melee range of the plant, the plant will launch all nearby players away from the center of the cone.
  • This can be useful for engaging upon an enemy in the jungle, entering an Epic Monster pit, or disengaging from a fight.

Scrying Bloom

  • There are a total of four Scrying Bloom plants on the map, two on each team's side, one in each quadrant of the jungle.
  • When autoattacked, the Scrying Orb will travel outward from the plant in a cone shape revealing enemies, enemy traps, wards and neutral objectives.


  • Honeyfruit spawn in the river dividing the two teams' sides. Honeyfruit can spawn anywhere along the river walls, their position is not fixed as the other plant spawn points are.
  • Because their position is not fixed, several Honeyfruit may be present on either side of the river if they have not been cleared in some time.
  • When autoattacked, the Honeyfruit drops 5 green beads which restore a portion of missing health and mana each, but slow the benefactor of this restoration for a short duration.
  • If popped when near a Scuttle Crab, the Scuttle Crab will dash to one of the beads and swallow it unless immediately attacked to scare it away.


Red Buff and Blue Buff, or Red and Blue for short, are strategically very important in almost all games in almost all phases of the game, but primarily the early and middle game. When each one is killed, it grants the killer a buff for two minutes (2m18s with the mastery Runic Affinity). If the bearer of Red or Blue is killed by another champion, the buff will be transferred and the duration will be refreshed for the new bearer.

Red Buff[]

Red Buff (technically called the Crest of Cinders) is granted by last-hitting the Red Brambleback (generally also referred to as Red Buff or Red). The Red Brambleback spawns without any other monsters. If you Smite Smite the Red Brambleback, you instantly regain a large chunk of your maximum health (can't go over 100%).

Red buff grants its bearer three benefits:

  • Your autoattacks slow their targets (more for melee champions' autoattacks).
  • A bit of true damage applies over time after your autoattacks. Watch for this if it looks like someone barely escaped the fight - maybe red buff will kill them.
  • Extra health regeneration.

Blue Buff[]

Blue Buff (technically called the Crest of Insight) is granted by last-hitting the Blue Sentinel (generally also referred to as Blue Buff or Blue). The Blue Sentinel spawns with no other minions. If you Smite Smite the Blue Sentinel, you gain a large chunk of health back for yourself (cannot go above 100%). Blue buff grants its bearer four benefits:

  • Percentage mana regeneration (Works with Energy based champions too).
  • Cooldown Reduction.
  • Bonus Ability Power.

Small Jungle Camps[]

Krugs, Wolves, and Raptors each have one "greater" creep at each camp, and the rest are "lesser" (there is only one Gromp total at each camp). You can tell which is which because the greater ones are physically bigger. Killing the greater monster gives significantly more gold and experience than killing the smaller ones does. Using Smite Smite on the big one also will give a large chunk of health back to the jungler that used it.


There is one Gromp at each camp. Prior to season 5, Gromps were known as Wights.


There are two Krugs at each camp, one bigger than the other. Prior to season 5, Krugs were known as Double Golems. Krugs will split into two smaller krugs when they are killed. A total of ten Krugs can be killed at this camp, with the large Krug splitting 2 times.


There are three Wolves at each camp, one bigger than the others.


There are 6 Raptors at each camp, one bigger than the others. Prior to season 5, Raptors were known as Wraiths. Raptors are the hardest camp to take early on because of their combined health and damage, but they provide the most experience if all cleared by the same player.

Rift Scuttler[]

In between a major objective and a small camp, the Rift Scuttler belongs in a category of its own. It is the only neutral unit that is not stationary by default. It is also the only neutral unit that will not fight back when attacked; instead it will attempt to run away from its attacker or attackers. There are two Rift Scuttlers on the map, one that roams along the top river, and one that roams along the bottom river.

When a team kills a Rift Scuttler, a Speed Shrine is created in front of Dragon (bottom river scuttler) or Baron (top river scuttler). Speed shrines are affiliated with one team only and provide two benefits:

  • Vision (but not true sight) within its radius.
  • A brief movement speed bonus to allied champions that enter its radius.


Dragons (technically drakes and Elder Dragon) are one of the major objectives of the entire game - Drakes early on, and Elder Dragon in the late game. Often "Dragon" and "Drake" are used interchangeably. The dragons all spawn in the same place, the Dragon Pit, which is located here on the map near bottom lane.


Killing a Drake permanently grants the team one of the Dragon Slayer Dragon Slayer buffs, depending on the type. The types are:

  • Drake Mini Icon - Infernal Infernal Drake gives bonus % AD and AP.
  • Drake Mini Icon - Cloud Cloud Drake gives bonus movement speed, tripled while out of combat.
  • Drake Mini Icon - Mountain Mountain Drake gives bonus % damage against towers and "epic monsters" (i.e. Dragons, Rift Scuttler, and Baron).
  • Drake Mini Icon - Ocean Ocean Drake gives bonus % health and mana regeneration when out of combat.

Other information about Drakes:

  • Drakes respawn once every six minutes up until the ingame timer reaches 35:00; after that, only Elder Dragons will spawn.
  • Only three of the four Drake types will spawn in any one game.
  • Each type of Drake can spawn up to 3 times per game, no more.
  • Only 6 Drakes can spawn over the course of the game, no more.
  • Aside from these rules, Drake spawn type is random.
  • The type of Drake that will spawn next is indicated by a glowing rune on the side of the pit; however, up until one Drake is killed, the type of the next is not known.
  • Drake buffs stack on top of each other; killing 3 Ocean Drakes is 3 times as strong as killing 1 Ocean Drake.

Elder Dragon[]

If a Drake is alive at 35 minutes, it won't automatically despawn, but only Elder Dragon can spawn after 35 minutes. Elder Dragon respawns 8 minutes after being killed, and it is comparable in difficulty to Baron Nashor for a team to kill.

Killing one Elder Dragon grants the entire team a temporary buff called Aspect of the Dragon that is stronger the more Drakes that were taken by that team earlier on in the game.

  • Bonus True Damage on all damaging abilities that increases significantly with previous Elemental Drakes killed (45 per drake killed).
  • Increases any Drake buffs by 50% for the duration.
  • The buff lasts for 2:30 minutes and is lost upon death.
  • Champions with this buff have a visual effect of a fiery glow.

Killing Elder Dragons beyond the first, grants the entire team a temporary buff called Empowered Aspect of the Dragon, which vastly increases the strength of Aspect of the Dragon.

  • Bonus True Damage on all damaging abilities that increases significantly with previous Elemental Drakes and Elder Dragons killed (135 + 90 per drake & dragon killed).
  • Increases any Drake buffs by 100% for the duration.
  • The buff lasts for 5 minutes and is lost upon death.
  • Champions with this buff have a visual effect of a fiery glow.

Dragon Screencaps[]

Drake With Rune - Infernal


Drake With Rune - Cloud


Drake With Rune - Mountain


Drake With Rune - Ocean


Drake With Rune - Elder


Rift Herald[]

The Rift Herald is an epic monster that only appears at 6 minutes and then disappears a few seconds before 20 minutes to give its place to Baron Nashor. Slaying the Rift Herald spawns a Relic that can only be picked up by the killer's team. Picking up the Relic gives its bearer the Eye of the Herald buff. The Rift Herald has several strengths and weaknesses:

  • Takes reduced damage from ranged basic attacks.
  • Each 3 seconds, the Rift Herald's eye opens and can get popped if the Rift Herald is attacked from behind. Popping the eye deals massive true damage to the Rift Herald.

A champion with the Eye of the Herald buff has Empowered Recall (clicking will take you out of the tutorial section) until the Eye is crushed. Additionally, the champion will be able, after a brief channel, to crush the Eye, summoning the Rift Herald as an aide to siege enemy turrets. The buff lasts for 4 minutes and is retained through death. The Eye replaces said champion's trinket until its crushing or expiration.

Baron Nashor[]

Baron Buffed Minions

Tooltip:Vayne" data-to-flags="fieM">VayneSquareVayne)

Baron is the major objective of the late game. It is very dangerous and difficult to take for a team that does not have a lot of vision control near the Baron pit or that isn't far ahead for several reasons:

  • Baron does a lot of damage to champions attempting to take it.
  • Baron confines champions to a small space when trying to take it, making them susceptible to AoE damage.
  • Baron has an ability that reduces its attackers' defense stats.
  • Baron can be smite-stolen by the enemy jungler (or just stolen by another member of the team who does a lot of damage).

When killed, Baron grants a significant amount of gold and also a buff (called Hand of Baron but usually referred to as Baron Buff) that lasts the next three minutes to everyone who is currently alive on the team that kills it (gets the last hit on it). See its location on the map here. Baron Buff cannot be transferred from champion to champion under any circumstances.

Hand of Baron benefits:

  • Grants up to 40 attack damage and ability power (scales with game time).
  • Reduces recall channel time by 4 seconds.
  • Upon completing a recall channel, 50% of maximum mana and health is restored instantly (i.e. reduces the amount of time you need to wait in the well to regenerate).
  • Upon completing a recall channel, grants 50% bonus movement speed for 8 seconds.
  • Minions receive buffs (see Portal:Minions for specifics).