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David "Phreak" Turley is a popular League of Legends caster and community member who works for Riot Games. Phreak was also a Platinum rated summoner in season one, and Diamond rated in seasons two and three. This lends credibility to his videos and commentating work.


  • Phreak is responsible for videos released by Riot Games, such as the Champion Spotlights and Patch Previews.
  • Phreak was a professional Warcraft 3 player.
  • Known for coining the term "tons of damage" with Trinity Force
  • Known for endorsing unconventional junglers, such as Irelia and Lulu, during champion spotlights.
  • Scales his catchphrase "tons of damage" in ounces, as said while shoutcasting at MLG Dallas 2012.
  • May or may not have stolen Mr. Pillow from Dyrus.[2]
  • Phreak gives first blood in about 40% of his games
  • Phreak is known for his amateur dancing


External Links[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Phreak's Tweet twitter.com
  2. Phreak's tweet twitter.com
