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Template:TCL 2018 Tabs

Player Team Champion Position Runes Tree Runes Subtree Keystone Rune 1 Rune 2 Rune 3 Rune 4 Rune 5 Game ID
thaldrin FB Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530173
chaser FB Shyvana Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530173
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 530173
padden FB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Future's Market Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 530173
zergsting FB Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear 530173
fabfabulous SUP Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530173
stomaged SUP Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 530173
gbm SUP Xerath Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530173
zeitnot SUP Sivir ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing 530173
snowflower SUP Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530173
armut HWA Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Overgrowth Celerity Scorch 530187
trix HWA Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 530187
ninja HWA Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530187
achu HWA Tristana ADC Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Iron Skin Revitalize 530187
revanche HWA Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Mirror Shell Second Wind Celestial Body Biscuit Delivery 530187
broken blade RBE Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 530187
malrang RBE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530187
cepted RBE Swain Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 530187
holyphoenix RBE Vayne ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530187
dumbledoge RBE Lulu Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Scorch Iron Skin Revitalize 530187
rare GAL Karma Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530248
viking GAL Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530248
backlund GAL Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 530248
j1mmy GAL Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530248
veux GAL Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Future's Market Celestial Body Font of Life Iron Skin 530248
elwind YC Maokai Top Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Unflinching Mirror Shell Second Wind Manaflow Band Transcendence 530248
mojito YC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530248
coco YC Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 530248
madness YC Ezreal ADC Inspiration Precision Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 530248
zzus YC Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Hextech Flashtraption Future's Market 530248
panky AUR Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Celerity Scorch 530272
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530272
naru AUR Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 530272
rain AUR Tristana ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 530272
rogu AUR Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530272
marshall DP Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 530272
kakao DP Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530272
lucete DP Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 530272
ruvelius DP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 530272
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530272
panky AUR Ornn Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530332
wisdom AUR Shyvana Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530332
naru AUR Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 530332
rain AUR Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530332
rogu AUR Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530332
rare GAL Nasus Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 530332
viking GAL Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530332
backlund GAL Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 530332
j1mmy GAL Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530332
veux GAL Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Future's Market 530332
marshall DP Kennen Top Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 530342
kakao DP Shyvana Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530342
lucete DP Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Gathering Storm 530342
ruvelius DP Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530342
japone DP Morgana Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530342
fabfabulous SUP Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 530342
stomaged SUP Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 530342
gbm SUP Ziggs Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 530342
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 530342
snowflower SUP Shen Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 530342
elwind YC Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Overgrowth 530355
mojito YC Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530355
coco YC Azir Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 530355
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530355
zzus YC Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Future's Market 530355
armut HWA Shen Top Resolve Domination Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 530355
trix HWA Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530355
ninja HWA Kassadin Mid Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Transcendence Scorch Second Wind Mirror Shell 530355
achu HWA Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 530355
revanche HWA Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530355
thaldrin FB Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 530380
chaser FB Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530380
frozen FB Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Legend: Alacrity Cut Down 530380
padden FB Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530380
zergsting FB Ornn Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530380
broken blade RBE Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 530380
malrang RBE Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 530380
cepted RBE Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 530380
holyphoenix RBE Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 530380
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Resolve Domination Guardian Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter 530380
panky AUR Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Iron Skin Second Wind 530418
wisdom AUR Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530418
naru AUR Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 530418
rain AUR Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 530418
rogu AUR Shen Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Second Wind Iron Skin 530418
armut HWA Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Manaflow Band Scorch 530418
trix HWA Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530418
ninja HWA Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 530418
achu HWA Vayne ADC Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Iron Skin Revitalize 530418
revanche HWA Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530418
rare GAL Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Overgrowth The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 530420
viking GAL Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530420
backlund GAL Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 530420
j1mmy GAL Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530420
veux GAL Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Future's Market 530420
fabfabulous SUP Trundle Top Resolve Domination Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 530420
stomaged SUP Xin Zhao Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 530420
gbm SUP Ryze Mid Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter 530420
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 530420
snowflower SUP Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530420
elwind YC Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Overgrowth Transcendence Scorch 530426
mojito YC Rengar Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530426
coco YC Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 530426
madness YC Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530426
zzus YC Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Future's Market 530426
broken blade RBE Urgot Top Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 530426
malrang RBE Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 530426
cepted RBE Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 530426
holyphoenix RBE Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 530426
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Resolve Domination Guardian Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter 530426
thaldrin FB Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Second Wind The Ultimate Hat Gathering Storm 530437
chaser FB Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530437
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 530437
padden FB Sivir ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body Overheal Legend: Alacrity 530437
zergsting FB Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530437
marshall DP Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Conditioning Second Wind 530437
kakao DP Zac Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Overgrowth Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter 530437
lucete DP Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 530437
ruvelius DP Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530437
japone DP Shen Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Demolish Iron Skin 530437
armut HWA Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530545
trix HWA Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 530545
ninja HWA Azir Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 530545
achuu HWA Miss Fortune ADC Domination Sorcery Dark Harvest Taste of Blood Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 530545
revanche HWA Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Celestial Body Biscuit Delivery 530545
fabfabulous SUP Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 530545
stomaged SUP Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530545
gbm SUP Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band 530545
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 530545
snowflower SUP Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530545
elwind YC Jayce Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 530548
mojito YC Shyvana Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530548
coco YC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 530548
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530548
zzus YC Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Future's Market 530548
panky AUR Malphite Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530548
wisdom AUR Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530548
naru AUR Xerath Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530548
rain AUR Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 530548
rogu AUR Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530548
broken blade RBE Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 530556
malrang RBE Lee Sin Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Absolute Focus Scorch 530556
cepted RBE Azir Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530556
holyphoenix RBE Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530556
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530556
marshall DP Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 530556
kakao DP Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530556
lucete DP Vladimir Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 530556
ruvelius DP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band 530556
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530556
thaldrin FB Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 530585
chaser FB Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530585
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 530585
padden FB Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530585
zergsting FB Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Mirror Shell Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530585
rare GAL Olaf Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 530585
viking GAL Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530585
backlund GAL Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530585
j1mmy GAL Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 530585
veux GAL Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Future's Market 530585
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530641
wisdom AUR Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530641
naru AUR Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 530641
rain AUR Sivir ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body Overheal Coup de Grace 530641
rogu AUR Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 530641
broken blade RBE Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530641
malrang RBE Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 530641
cepted RBE Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530641
holyphoenix RBE Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 530641
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530641
elwind YC Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Mirror Shell Second Wind 530658
mojito YC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530658
coco YC Galio Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 530658
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530658
zzus YC Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Future's Market 530658
fabfabulous SUP Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Legend: Alacrity Triumph 530658
stomaged SUP Xin Zhao Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 530658
gbm SUP Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band 530658
zeitnot SUP Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530658
snowflower SUP Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Demolish Conditioning 530658
rare GAL Nasus Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 530666
viking GAL Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530666
backlund GAL Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530666
j1mmy GAL Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Future's Market 530666
veux GAL Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Demolish Conditioning 530666
marshall DP Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Transcendence Manaflow Band 530666
kakao DP Ivern Jungle Sorcery Domination Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Waterwalking Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 530666
lucete DP Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 530666
ruvelius DP Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530666
japone DP Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530666
armut HWA Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 530690
trix HWA Shyvana Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530690
ninja HWA Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530690
achuu HWA Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Absolute Focus 530690
revanche HWA Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530690
thaldrin FB Jayce Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 530690
chaser FB Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530690
frozen FB Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530690
padden FB Sivir ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Alacrity 530690
zergsting FB Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530690
broken blade RBE Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 530716
malrang RBE Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 530716
cepted RBE Azir Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530716
holyphoenix RBE Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 530716
dumbledoge RBE Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Unflinching Second Wind 530716
rare GAL Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 530716
viking GAL Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530716
backlund GAL Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 530716
j1mmy GAL Tristana ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Cut Down Overheal 530716
veux GAL Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530716
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 530725
wisdom AUR Lee Sin Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530725
naru AUR Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 530725
rain AUR Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530725
rogu AUR Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Mirror Shell Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530725
fabfabulous SUP Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 530725
stomaged SUP Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530725
gbm SUP Xerath Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530725
zeitnot SUP Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530725
snowflower SUP Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530725
marshall DP Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 530744
kakao DP Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530744
lucete DP Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 530744
ruvelius DP Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530744
japone DP Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Revitalize 530744
armut HWA Vladimir Top Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 530744
trix HWA Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 530744
ninja HWA Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 530744
achuu HWA Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 530744
revanche HWA Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530744
elwind YC Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 530745
mojito YC Zac Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Triumph Legend: Alacrity 530745
coco YC Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 530745
madness YC Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 530745
zzus YC Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Font of Life Second Wind 530745
thaldrin FB Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 530745
chaser FB Nidalee Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 530745
frozen FB Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 530745
padden FB Sivir ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Overheal Legend: Alacrity 530745
zergsting FB Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 530745
broken blade RBE Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 550108
malrang RBE Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Future's Market 550108
cepted RBE Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 550108
holyphoenix RBE Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550108
dumbledoge RBE Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Unflinching Revitalize 550108
fabfabulous SUP Gnar Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 550108
stomaged SUP Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550108
gbm SUP Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 550108
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 550108
snowflower SUP Ornn Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 550108
rare GAL Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 550120
viking GAL Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550120
backlund GAL Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 550120
j1mmy GAL Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550120
veux GAL Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Demolish Revitalize 550120
armut HWA Jax Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Iron Skin Second Wind 550120
trix HWA Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550120
ninja HWA Malzahar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 550120
achuu HWA Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550120
revanche HWA Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Celestial Body Conditioning Second Wind 550120
thaldrin FB Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind The Ultimate Hat Scorch 550130
chaser FB Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550130
frozen FB Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 550130
padden FB Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550130
zergsting FB Rakan Support Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 550130
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 550130
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 550130
naru AUR Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550130
rain AUR Kalista ADC Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 550130
farfetch AUR Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550130
marshall DP Maokai Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550140
kakao DP Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550140
lucete DP Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 550140
ruvelius DP Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550140
japone DP Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550140
elwind YC Urgot Top Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550140
mojito YC Ivern Jungle Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Biscuit Delivery Celestial Body 550140
xico YC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550140
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550140
zzus YC Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Future's Market Approach Velocity Font of Life Second Wind 550140
broken blade RBE Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 550209
malrang RBE Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Celestial Body 550209
cepted RBE Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 550209
holyphoenix RBE Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550209
dumbledoge RBE Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Unflinching Revitalize 550209
armut HWA Vladimir Top Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 550209
trix HWA Nunu Jungle Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Triumph 550209
ninja HWA Karma Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 550209
achuu HWA Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body Cut Down Legend: Bloodline 550209
revanche HWA Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Celestial Body Conditioning Second Wind 550209
rare GAL Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Overgrowth 550217
viking GAL Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550217
backlund GAL Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 550217
j1mmy GAL Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Cut Down 550217
veux GAL Thresh Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Second Wind Conditioning 550217
elwind YC Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Overgrowth Manaflow Band Transcendence 550217
mojito YC Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550217
xico YC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550217
madness YC Xayah ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace 550217
zzus YC Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Approach Velocity Demolish Second Wind 550217
marshall DP Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 550224
kakao DP Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550224
lucete DP Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 550224
ruvelius DP Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550224
japone DP Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550224
panky AUR Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 550224
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 550224
naru AUR Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Waterwalking Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 550224
rain AUR Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 550224
farfetch AUR Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550224
fabfabulous SUP Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 550241
stomaged SUP Nunu Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Tenacity Triumph 550241
gbm SUP Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 550241
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 550241
snowflower SUP Leona Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 550241
thaldrin FB Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 550241
chaser FB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550241
frozen FB Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 550241
padden FB Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550241
zergsting FB Rakan Support Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 550241
elwind YC Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Overgrowth 550268
mojito YC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550268
xico YC Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Coup de Grace Presence of Mind 550268
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550268
zzus YC Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Approach Velocity Font of Life Second Wind 550268
armut HWA Gnar Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 550268
trix HWA Gragas Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Zombie Ward Sudden Impact 550268
ninja HWA Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 550268
achuu HWA Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body Cut Down Legend: Bloodline 550268
revanche HWA Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550268
thaldrin FB Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 550276
chaser FB Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550276
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Nullifying Orb Celerity 550276
padden FB Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550276
zergsting FB Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Mirror Shell Second Wind 550276
broken blade RBE Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 550276
malrang RBE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Future's Market 550276
cepted RBE Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter 550276
holyphoenix RBE Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 550276
dumbledoge RBE Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550276
rare GAL Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Overgrowth 550284
viking GAL Rek'Sai Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550284
backlund GAL Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550284
j1mmy GAL Xayah ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace 550284
veux GAL Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Revitalize Mirror Shell 550284
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 550284
wisdom AUR Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550284
naru AUR Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 550284
rain AUR Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 550284
farfetch AUR Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550284
marshall DP Gnar Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 550293
kakao DP Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550293
lucete DP Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 550293
ruvelius DP Xayah ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace 550293
japone DP Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Revitalize 550293
fabfabulous SUP Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 550293
stomaged SUP Nunu Jungle Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Overgrowth 550293
gbm SUP Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550293
zeitnot SUP Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace 550293
snowflower SUP Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 550293
broken blade RBE Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 550430
malrang RBE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550430
cepted RBE Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550430
holyphoenix RBE Jinx ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550430
dumbledoge RBE Nami Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Revitalize Unflinching 550430
elwind YC Karma Top Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 550430
mojito YC Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 550430
xico YC Xerath Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 550430
madness YC Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550430
zzus YC Thresh Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Future's Market Approach Velocity Font of Life Second Wind 550430
thaldrin FB Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 550433
chaser FB Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550433
frozen FB Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 550433
padden FB Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550433
zergsting FB Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Mirror Shell Second Wind 550433
marshall DP Gnar Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 550433
kakao DP Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550433
lucete DP Syndra Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 550433
ruvelius DP Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550433
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550433
armut HWA Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Demolish 550439
trix HWA Nunu Jungle Inspiration Precision Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Triumph 550439
ace HWA Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Unflinching Mirror Shell Second Wind Manaflow Band Celerity 550439
achuu HWA Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550439
revanche HWA Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Revitalize Iron Skin 550439
panky AUR Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 550439
wisdom AUR Jax Jungle Precision Inspiration Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550439
naru AUR Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550439
rain AUR Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 550439
farfetch AUR Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550439
rare GAL Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 550452
styllee GAL Cho'Gath Jungle Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Conditioning Overgrowth 550452
backlund GAL Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Coup de Grace Presence of Mind 550452
j1mmy GAL Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Biscuit Delivery Minion Dematerializer 550452
veux GAL Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Second Wind Iron Skin 550452
fabfabulous SUP Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 550452
stomaged SUP Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550452
gbm SUP Vladimir Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 550452
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 550452
snowflower SUP Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Revitalize 550452
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 550520
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Triumph Legend: Alacrity 550520
naru AUR Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 550520
rain AUR Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 550520
farfetch AUR Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Conditioning Revitalize 550520
elwind YC Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Overgrowth 550520
mojito YC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550520
xico YC Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 550520
madness YC Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550520
zzus YC Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550520
rare GAL Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 550523
styllee GAL Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550523
backlund GAL Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Coup de Grace Presence of Mind 550523
j1mmy GAL Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 550523
veux GAL Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550523
thaldrin FB Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 550523
chaser FB Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Unflinching Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550523
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 550523
padden FB Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550523
zergsting FB Shen Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Perfect Timing 550523
marshall DP Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 550535
kakao DP Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550535
lucete DP Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 550535
ruvelius DP Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550535
japone DP Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550535
broken blade RBE Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 550535
malrang RBE Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Coup de Grace Triumph 550535
cepted RBE LeBlanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 550535
holyphoenix RBE Xayah ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550535
dumbledoge RBE Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body Unflinching Revitalize 550535
fabfabulous SUP Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 550539
stomaged SUP Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550539
gbm SUP Xerath Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 550539
zeitnot SUP Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550539
snowflower SUP Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Demolish Conditioning 550539
armut HWA Jayce Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 550539
trix HWA Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550539
ace HWA Vladimir Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 550539
achuu HWA Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550539
revanche HWA Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Revitalize Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550539
broken blade RBE Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 550569
malrang RBE Nunu Jungle Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Font of Life Conditioning 550569
cepted RBE Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 550569
holyphoenix RBE Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 550569
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Celestial Body Unflinching Second Wind 550569
panky AUR Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 550569
wisdom AUR Skarner Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 550569
naru AUR Taliyah Mid Inspiration Sorcery Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 550569
rain AUR Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 550569
farfetch AUR Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550569
rare GAL Nasus Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 550570
styllee GAL Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550570
backlund GAL Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 550570
j1mmy GAL Varus ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550570
veux GAL Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 550570
marshall DP Gangplank Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 550570
kakao DP Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550570
lucete DP Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 550570
ruvelius DP Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550570
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550570
elwind YC Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Overgrowth 550576
mojito YC Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550576
xico YC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 550576
madness YC Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 550576
zzus YC Alistar Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Font of Life Second Wind 550576
fabfabulous SUP Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 550576
stomaged SUP Gragas Jungle Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 550576
gbm SUP Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 550576
zeitnot SUP Caitlyn ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace 550576
snowflower SUP Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Conditioning Revitalize 550576
thaldrin FB Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 550583
chaser FB Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Magical Footwear 550583
frozen FB Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 550583
padden FB Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 550583
zergsting FB Veigar Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Perfect Timing 550583
armut HWA Vladimir Top Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 550583
trix HWA Gragas Jungle Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight Revitalize Conditioning 550583
ace HWA Kassadin Mid Sorcery Domination Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Gathering Storm Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 550583
achuu HWA Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 550583
revanche HWA Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear Celestial Body Second Wind Mirror Shell 550583
broken blade RBE Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570035
malrang RBE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Future's Market Cosmic Insight 570035
cepted RBE Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 570035
holyphoenix RBE Kalista ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 570035
dumbledoge RBE Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Demolish Revitalize 570035
rare GAL Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Conditioning Second Wind 570035
neo GAL Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Relentless Hunter 570035
backlund GAL Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570035
j1mmy GAL Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570035
veux GAL Ziggs Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Future's Market 570035
fabfabulous SUP Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570037
stomaged SUP Gragas Jungle Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Zombie Ward Cheap Shot 570037
gbm SUP Gangplank Mid Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Scorch Manaflow Band 570037
zeitnot SUP Kalista ADC Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 570037
snowflower SUP Kennen Support Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Scorch 570037
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570037
wisdom AUR Camille Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Future's Market 570037
naru AUR Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Transcendence Gathering Storm 570037
rain AUR Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570037
farfetch AUR Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Conditioning Revitalize 570037
armut HWA Vladimir Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 570044
trix HWA Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 570044
ace HWA Viktor Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 570044
achuu HWA Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570044
revanche HWA Nami Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 570044
marshall DP Jayce Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 570044
kakao DP Lee Sin Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570044
lucete DP Taliyah Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Manaflow Band 570044
ruvelius DP Ziggs ADC Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 570044
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Magical Footwear Celestial Body 570044
elwind YC Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570052
mojito YC Camille Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Coup de Grace Legend: Alacrity 570052
xico YC Orianna Mid Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Taste of Blood Zombie Ward 570052
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570052
zzus YC Shen Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 570052
thaldrin FB Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570052
chaser FB Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 570052
frozen FB Aurelion Sol Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Waterwalking Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570052
padden FB Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace The Ultimate Hat Celerity 570052
zergsting FB Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Revitalize Conditioning 570052
broken blade RBE Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 570090
malrang RBE Lee Sin Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570090
cepted RBE Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 570090
holyphoenix RBE Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 570090
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Iron Skin Second Wind 570090
fabfabulous SUP Gnar Top Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Taste of Blood 570090
stomaged SUP Gragas Jungle Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Zombie Ward Cheap Shot 570090
gbm SUP Veigar Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Celestial Body Manaflow Band Transcendence 570090
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570090
snowflower SUP Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 570090
rare GAL Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Conditioning Second Wind 570108
neo GAL Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Relentless Hunter 570108
backlund GAL Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 570108
j1mmy GAL Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Scorch Manaflow Band 570108
veux GAL Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Celestial Body Magical Footwear 570108
armut HWA Vladimir Top Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 570108
trix HWA Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 570108
ace HWA Viktor Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 570108
achuu HWA Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570108
revanche HWA Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 570108
elwind YC Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Conditioning Overgrowth 570118
mojito YC Gragas Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Triumph 570118
xico YC Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570118
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570118
zzus YC Shen Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 570118
marshall DP Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 570118
kakao DP Lee Sin Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570118
lucete DP Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity 570118
ruvelius DP Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570118
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Magical Footwear Celestial Body 570118
panky AUR Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570141
wisdom AUR Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Sudden Impact 570141
naru AUR Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Transcendence Gathering Storm 570141
rain AUR Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570141
farfetch AUR Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer 570141
thaldrin FB Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind The Ultimate Hat Scorch 570141
chaser FB Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Coup de Grace 570141
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 570141
padden FB Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 570141
zergsting FB Zilean Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Gathering Storm Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 570141
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Gathering Storm Iron Skin Second Wind 570214
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 570214
naru AUR Aurelion Sol Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Celerity Waterwalking Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570214
rain AUR Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570214
farfetch AUR Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Approach Velocity Minion Dematerializer 570214
marshall DP Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 570214
kakao DP Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570214
lucete DP Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 570214
ruvelius DP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Manaflow Band 570214
japone DP Taric Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Magical Footwear Celestial Body 570214
elwind YC Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Overgrowth 570216
mojito YC Nunu Jungle Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Triumph 570216
xico YC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 570216
madness YC Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570216
zzus YC Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Demolish Revitalize 570216
rare GAL Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Transcendence 570216
neo GAL Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Relentless Hunter 570216
backlund GAL Kassadin Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570216
j1mmy GAL Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 570216
veux GAL Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 570216
thaldrin FB Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570221
chaser FB Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter 570221
frozen FB Galio Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Transcendence The Ultimate Hat 570221
padden FB Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down The Ultimate Hat Celerity 570221
zergsting FB Taric Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity 570221
fabfabulous SUP Cho'Gath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Unflinching Conditioning Overgrowth Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing 570221
stomaged SUP Gragas Jungle Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Zombie Ward Cheap Shot 570221
gbm SUP Illaoi Mid Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Celestial Body Demolish Mirror Shell 570221
zeitnot SUP Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 570221
snowflower SUP Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 570221
broken blade RBE Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 570232
malrang RBE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Resolve Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Iron Skin Demolish 570232
cepted RBE Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 570232
holyphoenix RBE Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 570232
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Unflinching Conditioning Second Wind Perfect Timing Celestial Body 570232
armut HWA Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570232
trix HWA Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 570232
ace HWA Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 570232
achuu HWA Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570232
revanche HWA Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Future's Market Cosmic Insight 570232
thaldrin FB Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570277
chaser FB Jax Jungle Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Zombie Ward 570277
frozen FB Galio Mid Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 570277
padden FB Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570277
zergsting FB Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Second Wind Iron Skin 570277
broken blade RBE Malphite Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Triumph Legend: Alacrity 570277
malrang RBE Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570277
cepted RBE Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570277
holyphoenix RBE Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 570277
dumbledoge RBE Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Future's Market Approach Velocity Unflinching Revitalize 570277
panky AUR Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 570286
wisdom AUR Skarner Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 570286
naru AUR Taliyah Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Waterwalking 570286
rain AUR Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570286
rogu AUR Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing 570286
rare GAL Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 570286
neo GAL Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 570286
backlund GAL LeBlanc Mid Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 570286
j1mmy GAL Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 570286
veux GAL Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 570286
marshall DP Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 560316
kakao DP Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 560316
lucete DP Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 560316
ruvelius DP Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 560316
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Iron Skin Second Wind 560316
fabfabulous SUP Ornn Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Scorch 560316
stomaged SUP Sejuani Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 560316
gbm SUP Gangplank Mid Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Celerity Scorch 560316
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 560316
snowflower SUP Lulu Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Biscuit Delivery Celestial Body 560316
broken blade RBE Riven Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570390
malrang RBE Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570390
cepted RBE Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570390
holyphoenix RBE Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 570390
dumbledoge RBE Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Unflinching Revitalize 570390
elwind YC Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570390
mojito YC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 570390
xico YC Galio Mid Domination Resolve Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Mirror Shell Second Wind 570390
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570390
zzus YC Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 570390
armut HWA Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Mirror Shell Second Wind 570401
trix HWA Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 570401
ace HWA Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 570401
achuu HWA Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570401
revanche HWA Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Celestial Body Second Wind Iron Skin 570401
panky AUR Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 570401
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Triumph Legend: Alacrity 570401
naru AUR Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570401
rain AUR Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 570401
farfetch AUR Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Conditioning Second Wind 570401
marshall DP Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 570407
kakao DP Nunu Jungle Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Conditioning Overgrowth 570407
lucete DP Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 570407
ruvelius DP Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570407
japone DP Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 570407
thaldrin FB Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 570407
chaser FB Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570407
frozen FB Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 570407
padden FB Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570407
zergsting FB Taric Support Resolve Precision Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity 570407
rare GAL Ornn Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 570414
neo GAL Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 570414
swing GAL Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 570414
j1mmy GAL Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Minion Dematerializer Perfect Timing 570414
veux GAL Zilean Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Perfect Timing Future's Market 570414
fabfabulous SUP Gangplank Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 570414
stomaged SUP Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Resolve Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Iron Skin Overgrowth 570414
gbm SUP Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570414
zeitnot SUP Kalista ADC Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570414
snowflower SUP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 570414
panky AUR Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Mirror Shell Second Wind 570496
wisdom AUR Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 570496
naru AUR Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570496
rain AUR Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570496
farfetch AUR Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Font of Life Conditioning Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body 570496
elwind YC Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570496
mojito YC Sejuani Jungle Resolve Domination Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Second Wind Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 570496
xico YC Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 570496
madness YC Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570496
zzus YC Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 570496
rare GAL Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570497
neo GAL Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Future's Market Approach Velocity Triumph Legend: Alacrity 570497
swing GAL Kassadin Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Celerity 570497
j1mmy GAL Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570497
veux GAL Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Scorch Cosmic Insight Perfect Timing 570497
thaldrin FB Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Scorch 570497
chaser FB Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Coup de Grace 570497
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Nullifying Orb Celerity 570497
padden FB Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570497
zergsting FB Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Revitalize Conditioning 570497
broken blade RBE Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Conditioning Second Wind 570507
malrang RBE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Coup de Grace Triumph 570507
cepted RBE Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 570507
holyphoenix RBE Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 570507
dumbledoge RBE Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Unflinching Revitalize 570507
marshall DP Cho'Gath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 570507
kakao DP Lee Sin Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570507
lucete DP Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 570507
ruvelius DP Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570507
japone DP Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Iron Skin Second Wind Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 570507
fabfabulous SUP Camille Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570517
stomaged SUP Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 570517
gbm SUP Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 570517
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570517
snowflower SUP Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Demolish Conditioning 570517
armut HWA Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Font of Life Iron Skin Second Wind Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 570517
trix HWA Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Taste of Blood Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570517
ace HWA Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 570517
achuu HWA Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570517
revanche HWA Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing 570517
broken blade RBE Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Iron Skin Second Wind 570579
malrang RBE Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570579
cepted RBE Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 570579
holyphoenix RBE Kalista ADC Inspiration Precision Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Future's Market Cosmic Insight Coup de Grace Overheal 570579
dumbledoge RBE Janna Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Revitalize Unflinching 570579
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570579
wisdom AUR Jax Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 570579
naru AUR Twisted Fate Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570579
rain AUR Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570579
farfetch AUR Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Perfect Timing 570579
rare GAL Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Second Wind 570584
neo GAL Sejuani Jungle Inspiration Precision Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Future's Market Approach Velocity Triumph Legend: Alacrity 570584
swing GAL Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570584
j1mmy GAL Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 570584
veux GAL Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Demolish Conditioning 570584
marshall DP Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570584
kakao DP Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570584
lucete DP Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Coup de Grace Presence of Mind 570584
ruvelius DP Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570584
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Iron Skin Second Wind 570584
fabfabulous SUP Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Mirror Shell Second Wind 570589
stomaged SUP Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 570589
gbm SUP Twisted Fate Mid Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Celestial Body Mirror Shell Second Wind 570589
zeitnot SUP Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570589
snowflower SUP Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery 570589
elwind YC Vladimir Top Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 570589
mojito YC Nidalee Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570589
xico YC Fizz Mid Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Coup de Grace 570589
madness YC Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570589
zzus YC Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Demolish Revitalize 570589
thaldrin FB Cho'Gath Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Demolish Mirror Shell Second Wind Scorch The Ultimate Hat 570594
chaser FB Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 570594
frozen FB Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Scorch 570594
padden FB Kalista ADC Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 570594
zergsting FB Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Revitalize Conditioning 570594
armut HWA Vladimir Top Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 570594
trix HWA Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 570594
ace HWA Taliyah Mid Inspiration Sorcery Glacial Augment Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 570594
achuu HWA Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 570594
revanche HWA Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Biscuit Delivery Celestial Body Second Wind Iron Skin 570594
thaldrin FB Trundle Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Mirror Shell Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 580073
chaser FB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Alacrity 580073
frozen FB Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580073
padden FB Caitlyn ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580073
zergsting FB Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Revitalize Bone Plating 580073
elwind YC Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Iron Skin Overgrowth 580073
mojito YC Gragas Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Triumph 580073
coco YC Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Nullifying Orb 580073
madness YC Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 580073
zzus YC Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Revitalize Conditioning 580073
broken blade RBE Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 580075
malrang RBE Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter The Ultimate Hat Celerity 580075
cepted RBE Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580075
holyphoenix RBE Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580075
dumbledoge RBE Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 580075
rare GAL Shen Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 580075
neo GAL Zac Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Revitalize Triumph Legend: Alacrity 580075
swing GAL Kassadin Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Cosmic Insight 580075
j1mmy GAL Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580075
veux GAL Rakan Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Future's Market 580075
armut HWA Shen Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 580080
trix HWA Sejuani Jungle Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Conditioning 580080
ace HWA Aurelion Sol Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Celerity Waterwalking Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity 580080
achuu HWA Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580080
revanche HWA Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery 580080
marshall DP Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Second Wind Bone Plating 580080
kakao DP Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Font of Life Conditioning Overgrowth Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 580080
try DP Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 580080
ruvelius DP Kog'Maw ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 580080
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 580080
panky AUR Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Mirror Shell Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 580085
wisdom AUR Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 580085
naru AUR Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 580085
rain AUR Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580085
farfetch AUR Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 580085
fabfabulous SUP Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 580085
stomaged SUP Sejuani Jungle Precision Domination Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 580085
gbm SUP Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 580085
zeitnot SUP Kalista ADC Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580085
snowflower SUP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Font of Life Conditioning 580085
panky AUR Shen Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Mirror Shell Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 580171
wisdom AUR Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 580171
naru AUR Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Celerity Gathering Storm 580171
rain AUR Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580171
farfetch AUR Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 580171
thaldrin FB Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Conditioning 580171
chaser FB Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Alacrity 580171
frozen FB Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 580171
padden FB Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580171
zergsting FB Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Revitalize Bone Plating 580171
rare GAL Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Iron Skin Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580180
neo GAL Camille Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 580180
swing GAL Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 580180
j1mmy GAL Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580180
veux GAL Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Conditioning 580180
armut HWA Shen Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 580180
trix HWA Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 580180
ace HWA Aurelion Sol Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Nullifying Orb Celerity Waterwalking Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity 580180
achuu HWA Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580180
revanche HWA Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Time Warp Tonic Minion Dematerializer 580180
broken blade RBE Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Conditioning 580187
malrang RBE Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic 580187
cepted RBE Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580187
holyphoenix RBE Sivir ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580187
dumbledoge RBE Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 580187
fabfabulous SUP Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 580187
stomaged SUP Camille Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Triumph 580187
gbm SUP Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 580187
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 580187
snowflower SUP Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic 580187
marshall DP Gnar Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Celerity Scorch Zombie Ward Taste of Blood 580192
kakao DP Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 580192
try DP Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Transcendence Gathering Storm 580192
ruvelius DP Kalista ADC Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 580192
japone DP Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 580192
elwind YC Cho'Gath Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Iron Skin Overgrowth 580192
mojito YC Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 580192
coco YC Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 580192
madness YC Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580192
zzus YC Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 580192
rare GAL Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Triumph 580231
neo GAL Riven Jungle Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 580231
swing GAL Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 580231
j1mmy GAL Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580231
veux GAL Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Future's Market Cosmic Insight Revitalize Bone Plating 580231
elwind YC Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Mirror Shell Overgrowth Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580231
mojito YC Camille Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 580231
coco YC Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 580231
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580231
zzus YC Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 580231
broken blade RBE Shen Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580239
malrang RBE Gragas Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Future's Market Time Warp Tonic 580239
cepted RBE Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 580239
holyphoenix RBE Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580239
dumbledoge RBE Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 580239
armut HWA Cho'Gath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 580239
trix HWA Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 580239
ace HWA Corki Mid Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Second Wind 580239
achuu HWA Sivir ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580239
revanche HWA Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Time Warp Tonic Minion Dematerializer 580239
thaldrin FB Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Mirror Shell Overgrowth Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580244
chaser FB Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 580244
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Nullifying Orb Celerity 580244
padden FB Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 580244
zergsting FB Leona Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 580244
fabfabulous SUP Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 580244
stomaged SUP Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Tenacity Triumph 580244
gbm SUP Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 580244
zeitnot SUP Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 580244
snowflower SUP Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 580244
panky AUR Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Iron Skin Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 580252
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Alacrity 580252
naru AUR Corki Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580252
rain AUR Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 580252
farfetch AUR Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 580252
marshall DP Jayce Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 580252
kakao DP Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 580252
try DP Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Transcendence Gathering Storm 580252
ruvelius DP Kalista ADC Precision Sorcery Lethal Tempo Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 580252
japone DP Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Future's Market Magical Footwear 580252
armut HWA Shen Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600085
trix HWA Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 600085
xico HWA Anivia Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 600085
achuu HWA Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 600085
revanche HWA Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Time Warp Tonic Biscuit Delivery 600085
elwind YC Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600085
mojito YC Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600085
coco YC Ziggs Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600085
madness YC Sivir ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600085
zzus YC Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Iron Skin 600085
fabfabulous SUP Camille Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Bone Plating Second Wind 600090
stomaged SUP Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600090
gbm SUP Galio Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 600090
zeitnot SUP Sivir ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 600090
snowflower SUP Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 600090
marshall DP Fiora Top Inspiration Resolve Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Iron Skin 600090
kakao DP Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600090
try DP Corki Mid Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 600090
ruvelius DP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 600090
japone DP Alistar Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer 600090
broken blade RBE Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Mirror Shell 600099
malrang RBE Gragas Jungle Domination Resolve Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Conditioning Demolish 600099
cepted RBE Ryze Mid Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Zombie Ward Ravenous Hunter 600099
holyphoenix RBE Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600099
dumbledoge RBE Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 600099
thaldrin FB Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 600099
chaser FB Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600099
frozen FB Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Nullifying Orb Transcendence 600099
padden FB Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600099
zergsting FB Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Cosmic Insight Magical Footwear 600099
rare GAL Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 600110
chosenn GAL Camille Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 600110
mgx GAL Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600110
j1mmy GAL Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 600110
ozgur GAL Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Cosmic Insight Minion Dematerializer 600110
panky AUR Shen Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 600110
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 600110
naru AUR Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 600110
rain AUR Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600110
rogu AUR Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 600110
fabfabulous SUP Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 600182
stomaged SUP Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Resolve Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Iron Skin Bone Plating 600182
gbm SUP Vladimir Mid Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Second Wind Bone Plating 600182
zeitnot SUP Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 600182
snowflower SUP Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Revitalize 600182
rare GAL Swain Top Sorcery Resolve Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Bone Plating Second Wind 600182
chosenn GAL Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600182
mgx GAL Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 600182
j1mmy GAL Sivir ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 600182
ozgur GAL Braum Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Cosmic Insight Minion Dematerializer 600182
elwind YC Swain Top Resolve Sorcery Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Transcendence Gathering Storm 600190
mojito YC Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600190
coco YC Taliyah Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Manaflow Band 600190
madness YC Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600190
zzus YC Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Guardian Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 600190
broken blade RBE Aatrox Top Precision Resolve Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Mirror Shell 600190
malrang RBE Gragas Jungle Domination Resolve Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Demolish Iron Skin 600190
cepted RBE Sion Mid Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 600190
holyphoenix RBE Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600190
dumbledoge RBE Leona Support Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Legend: Tenacity Triumph 600190
panky AUR Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 600194
wisdom AUR Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600194
naru AUR Karma Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Gathering Storm 600194
rain AUR Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600194
rogu AUR Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Biscuit Delivery Magical Footwear 600194
armut HWA Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Second Wind 600194
trix HWA Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Alacrity 600194
xico HWA Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 600194
achuu HWA Twitch ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 600194
revanche HWA Morgana Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Revitalize 600194
marshall DP Gnar Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 600201
kakao DP Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 600201
try DP Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 600201
ruvelius DP Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600201
japone DP Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Iron Skin 600201
thaldrin FB Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 600201
chaser FB Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600201
frozen FB Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 600201
padden FB Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600201
zergsting FB Leona Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 600201
armut HWA Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Tenacity Cut Down Bone Plating Second Wind 600246
trix HWA Zac Jungle Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 600246
xico HWA Viktor Mid Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 600246
achuu HWA Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 600246
revanche HWA Morgana Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Revitalize 600246
fabfabulous SUP Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Second Wind Bone Plating 600246
stomaged SUP Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 600246
gbm SUP Vladimir Mid Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Second Wind Bone Plating 600246
zeitnot SUP Varus ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 600246
snowflower SUP Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 600246
thaldrin FB Ornn Top Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 600252
chaser FB Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600252
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 600252
padden FB Tristana ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 600252
zergsting FB Bard Support Domination Sorcery Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter The Ultimate Hat Transcendence 600252
rare GAL Illaoi Top Inspiration Domination Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Sudden Impact Ravenous Hunter 600252
chosenn GAL Jarvan IV Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 600252
mgx GAL Karma Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight The Ultimate Hat Gathering Storm 600252
j1mmy GAL Kog'Maw ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 600252
ozgur GAL Taric Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Unflinching Conditioning 600252
broken blade RBE Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Iron Skin Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600260
malrang RBE Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600260
cepted RBE Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Cut Down 600260
holyphoenix RBE Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600260
dumbledoge RBE Janna Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Iron Skin 600260
marshall DP Camille Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Bone Plating Mirror Shell 600260
kakao DP Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 600260
try DP Orianna Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline 600260
ruvelius DP Kalista ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600260
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Iron Skin 600260
panky AUR Gnar Top Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 600266
wisdom AUR Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600266
naru AUR Sion Mid Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Conditioning 600266
rain AUR Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600266
farfetch AUR Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Conditioning 600266
elwind YC Cho'Gath Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600266
mojito YC Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600266
coco YC Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 600266
madness YC Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600266
zzus YC Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 600266
marshall DP Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Mirror Shell 600378
kakao DP Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600378
try DP Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Gathering Storm 600378
ruvelius DP Jhin ADC Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 600378
japone DP Karma Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Future's Market 600378
rare GAL Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 600378
chosenn GAL Rek'Sai Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 600378
mgx GAL Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Minion Dematerializer Magical Footwear 600378
j1mmy GAL Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 600378
ozgur GAL Morgana Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 600378
armut HWA Sion Top Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Time Warp Tonic Bone Plating Second Wind 600386
trix HWA Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Triumph 600386
xico HWA Syndra Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600386
achuu HWA Twitch ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 600386
revanche HWA Morgana Support Sorcery Resolve Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Revitalize 600386
thaldrin FB Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600386
chaser FB Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 600386
frozen FB Taliyah Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer 600386
padden FB Kog'Maw ADC Precision Inspiration Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 600386
zergsting FB Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 600386
fabfabulous SUP Camille Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Second Wind Bone Plating 600387
stomaged SUP Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Tenacity Coup de Grace Waterwalking Celerity 600387
gbm SUP Vladimir Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Celerity Scorch 600387
zeitnot SUP Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Gathering Storm 600387
snowflower SUP Shen Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Conditioning Bone Plating 600387
elwind YC Ornn Top Resolve Inspiration Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600387
mojito YC Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600387
coco YC Swain Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cheap Shot Ravenous Hunter 600387
madness YC Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600387
zzus YC Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Iron Skin 600387
panky AUR Gnar Top Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Second Wind 600396
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 600396
naru AUR Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 600396
rain AUR Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600396
rogu AUR Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Second Wind 600396
broken blade RBE Maokai Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Revitalize Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600396
malrang RBE Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600396
cepted RBE Swain Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 600396
holyphoenix RBE Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Transcendence 600396
dumbledoge RBE Bard Support Domination Resolve Electrocute Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Bone Plating Iron Skin 600396
armut HWA Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 600457
trix HWA Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600457
xico HWA Orianna Mid Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 600457
achuu HWA Xayah ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 600457
revanche HWA Rakan Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight Bone Plating Revitalize 600457
marshall DP Jayce Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Scorch Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 600457
kakao DP Sejuani Jungle Precision Inspiration Lethal Tempo Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Magical Footwear Cosmic Insight 600457
try DP Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 600457
ruvelius DP Kog'Maw ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 600457
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Iron Skin 600457
panky AUR Camille Top Precision Resolve Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Second Wind 600460
wisdom AUR Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Conditioning Unflinching Triumph Legend: Alacrity 600460
naru AUR Orianna Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 600460
rain AUR Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600460
rogu AUR Thresh Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Unflinching Bone Plating 600460
fabfabulous SUP Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Presence of Mind 600460
stomaged SUP Olaf Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Scorch Celerity 600460
gbm SUP Swain Mid Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Time Warp Tonic 600460
zeitnot SUP Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Gathering Storm Celerity 600460
snowflower SUP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Conditioning Font of Life 600460
elwind YC Trundle Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 600467
mojito YC Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600467
coco YC Taliyah Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 600467
madness YC Jinx ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600467
zzus YC Thresh Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity 600467
thaldrin FB Sion Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 600467
chaser FB Nidalee Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 600467
frozen FB Ryze Mid Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 600467
padden FB Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Celerity Gathering Storm 600467
zergsting FB Blitzcrank Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Hextech Flashtraption Future's Market 600467
broken blade RBE Alistar Top Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Revitalize Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer 600476
malrang RBE Jhin Jungle Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 600476
cepted RBE Yasuo Mid Precision Resolve Fleet Footwork Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Bone Plating Second Wind 600476
holyphoenix RBE Kai'Sa ADC Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 600476
dumbledoge RBE Lux Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Gathering Storm Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 600476
rare GAL Lucian Top Precision Domination Press the Attack Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Sudden Impact Ravenous Hunter 600476
chosenn GAL Rek'Sai Jungle Domination Precision Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Triumph Legend: Alacrity 600476
fiseyin GAL Veigar Mid Sorcery Inspiration Arcane Comet The Ultimate Hat Transcendence Gathering Storm Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight 600476
j1mmy GAL Ryze ADC Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 600476
ozgur GAL Blitzcrank Support Resolve Inspiration Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Overgrowth Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight 600476
armut HWA Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Bone Plating Second Wind 610437
trix HWA Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 610437
xico HWA Ryze Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Manaflow Band Celerity 610437
achuu HWA Tristana ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Gathering Storm 610437
revanche HWA Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic Second Wind Bone Plating 610437
rare GAL Swain Top Sorcery Resolve Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Gathering Storm Second Wind Bone Plating 610437
chosenn GAL Sejuani Jungle Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Overgrowth Triumph Legend: Alacrity 610437
mgx GAL Cassiopeia Mid Sorcery Precision Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 610437
j1mmy GAL Ezreal ADC Inspiration Sorcery Kleptomancy Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Gathering Storm Manaflow Band 610437
ozgur GAL Janna Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cosmic Insight Biscuit Delivery 610437
thaldrin FB Swain Top Sorcery Inspiration Phase Rush Manaflow Band Transcendence Scorch Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 610439
chaser FB Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Last Stand Celerity Waterwalking 610439
frozen FB Ekko Mid Domination Inspiration Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer 610439
padden FB Jhin ADC Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace 610439
zergsting FB Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Hextech Flashtraption Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Second Wind 610439
panky AUR Cho'Gath Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Second Wind Revitalize Presence of Mind Legend: Tenacity 610439
wisdom AUR Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 610439
naru AUR Azir Mid Sorcery Precision Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity 610439
rain AUR Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 610439
rogu AUR Nami Support Sorcery Inspiration Summon Aery Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Magical Footwear Biscuit Delivery 610439
fabfabulous SUP Rumble Top Sorcery Domination Summon Aery Nullifying Orb Celerity Scorch Cheap Shot Zombie Ward 610449
stomaged SUP Jhin Jungle Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Presence of Mind Legend: Bloodline 610449
gbm SUP Ezreal Mid Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Celerity Scorch 610449
zeitnot SUP Corki ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Gathering Storm Celerity 610449
snowflower SUP Cho'Gath Support Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Demolish Conditioning Overgrowth Legend: Alacrity Overheal 610449
broken blade RBE Malphite Top Resolve Precision Grasp of the Undying Bone Plating Conditioning Revitalize Triumph Coup de Grace 610449
malrang RBE Skarner Jungle Domination Sorcery Predator Cheap Shot Zombie Ward Ingenious Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 610449
cepted RBE Zoe Mid Inspiration Sorcery Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Transcendence Gathering Storm 610449
holyphoenix RBE Caitlyn ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Overheal Legend: Bloodline Coup de Grace Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 610449
dumbledoge RBE Leona Support Resolve Precision Aftershock Bone Plating Iron Skin Unflinching Legend: Tenacity Triumph 610449
marshall DP Vladimir Top Inspiration Domination Unsealed Spellbook Perfect Timing Minion Dematerializer Cosmic Insight Taste of Blood Ravenous Hunter 610459
kakao DP Kha'Zix Jungle Domination Sorcery Electrocute Sudden Impact Zombie Ward Relentless Hunter Celerity Waterwalking 610459
try DP Galio Mid Resolve Sorcery Aftershock Bone Plating Second Wind Unflinching Manaflow Band Celerity 610459
ruvelius DP Jhin ADC Sorcery Precision Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Celerity Gathering Storm Presence of Mind Coup de Grace 610459
japone DP Tahm Kench Support Inspiration Resolve Glacial Augment Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Bone Plating Iron Skin 610459
elwind YC Urgot Top Sorcery Resolve Arcane Comet Manaflow Band Absolute Focus Gathering Storm Mirror Shell Overgrowth 610459
mojito YC Trundle Jungle Precision Sorcery Press the Attack Triumph Legend: Alacrity Coup de Grace Celerity Waterwalking 610459
coco YC Swain Mid Sorcery Domination Phase Rush Manaflow Band Celerity Scorch Cheap Shot Ravenous Hunter 610459
madness YC Sivir ADC Precision Sorcery Fleet Footwork Presence of Mind Legend: Alacrity Cut Down Absolute Focus Gathering Storm 610459
zzus YC Braum Support Inspiration Resolve Unsealed Spellbook Magical Footwear Minion Dematerializer Approach Velocity Iron Skin Bone Plating 610459